Windows Programming - February 2012 (Page 6)

by hotch
Migrating windows 2000/Visual c++ 7 code to windows 7
I have developed a lot of physics code with OpenGL graphics, my own Object Oriented GUI, database code etc. over the years on my Windows 2000 system with MS V...
[1 reply] : I guess, there'd be no problem if you only copy the source code. (by FlashDrive)
Draw a border around a STATIC control
Anybody knows how to draw a border around a STATIC control, inside the WM_PAINT message or any other? I cannot find anything on MSDN or Google. People don't dra...
[4 replies] Last: ..but it disappears when I subclass the control. That should... (by freddie1)
else works even when if is true
Hello, I'm newbie programist and I've problem with if. #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { int xgracza=0, ygracza=0, hpw=0; string kie...
[1 reply] : if( condition1 ){/* */} else if( condition 2 ){/* */} else{/* */} ... (by ne555)
by chipp
how to use winsock in visual studio 2008? and as far as i know, you have to link it with libws2_32.a in dev cpp
[3 replies] Last: #pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib") Add this line to one of your ... (by modoran)
Loading function from system32 DLL
Hi, I have an undocumented DLL that I want to load a function from, though, there has been a lot of people trying to pull data from this DLL already, but in oth...
[no replies]
Advanced WinAPI tutorials?
Can someone recommend me some advanced Win32API tutorials? I would like to improve my chat so I need some advanced settings, controls and visuals there, like on...
[no replies]
Different icons for the TreeView elements
Hello world! I have this TreeView created and I am trying to do some special with it. Instead of the typical "folder, document" icons I want to assign more ico...
[2 replies] Last: Anything that isn't 0 is true and anything that is 0 is false. (as far... (by Texan40)
Open GL - Clear window between compiles.
The program I'm writing doesn't need to clear what's on the screen as it updates the window and so I haven't needed to include glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) at a...
[2 replies] Last: What do you mean exactly by where the OpenGl context is initialized? S... (by Muckle ewe)
GLUT problems... GRR
The frustration I always encounter when I try OpenGL/Win32/DirectX is unbearable. So, I'm gonna double post. I apologize. Anyway, this code should make a window...
[3 replies] Last: Yea I started blank. I found out my problem though, and I guess these ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
C++ Builder: TListView.Clear() leads to Access Violation Error
Hi everyone! Please help to solve a problem. I wrote a piece of software with C++ Builder 6. There is a component lsvParticle of TListView type on the form, ...
[no replies]
Why Windows C++ muti-threading IOPS is much faster than IOMeter?
Greetings, Can anybody help me a little out of my difficulty? I have a SSD and I am trying to use it to simulate my program I/O performance, h...
[1 reply] : I didn't take a look at your code, but maybe the result is better due ... (by onur)
PDF Export
Hello! I am a C++ programmer using Visual Studio 8.0 and i have one problem in my job. I need to convert the program´s data to a PDF file, but I don´t had ...
[2 replies] Last: http://www.gnup... (by modoran)
Shell Link
Im creating a program that will create the shortcut onto your desktop and im getting the following errors: In function `HRESULT CreateShortcut(const TCHAR*, ...
[1 reply] : CComPtr is an ATL smartpointer declared in ATL namespace. Don't know w... (by modoran)
making while loops move
i trying to make a grass title move accros the screen while in a loop or a for is what i have. int main(int argc, char* argv ) { //Lets ...
[no replies]
Access to internet with C++
Hi there, I would like to know how to access internet with a easy C++-program. I'd need it for my AI I'm programming at the moment... Thanking you in anticipa...
[5 replies] Last: cool! thx a lot (by FlashDrive)
Undefined reference to ImageList_Create
Hi I am trying to create an ImageList object but I get this preprocessor error obj\Release\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `ImageList_Create@20'...
[2 replies] Last: O.K. I had to link to the commctl32.lib (by alexbnc)
Error C2143 issues
Hi Everyone, Basically I'm trying to generate 3 classes, each one relying on the previous one: 'Parameter' is independent, 'Segment' uses Parameter as variable...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, solved it - its seems that 'Segment' must be restricted from being... (by Hibblejaybob)
Visual C++ 2010 doesn't compile
every time i try to compile the program, a pop-up window says "Unable to start program 'C:\Users\asampath\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WORKSPACE\Debug\WORKSPAC...
[5 replies] Last: Wow! thank you guys, I am having the exact same issue and my work arou... (by okason)
by A Asi
wrong cast passing string to overloaded func'
Hello to you all. IDE: Microsoft Visual studio 2008 void ChkOverLoadCast(std::string& rStr) { std::cout << "str"; } void ChkOverLoadCast(bool ...
[2 replies] Last: In C++, neither void ChkOverLoadCast(std::string&) nor void ChkOver... (by Cubbi)
Toolbar issue on double-click
Well, this is not a problem but it bothers me to see a window that quickly appears and disappears when I double click on the toolbar that I have created with C...
[8 replies] Last: Well, I don't know if discarding WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK has any other side e... (by webJose)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 456789
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