Windows Programming - February 2012 (Page 4)

Custom Icons: Not working with MinGW
I tried icon "iconNAME.ico" in a resource file (im not stupid, i did it right) but it could not use the icon file for some reason. Since I can't figure it ou...
[17 replies] Last: hmm... There can't be anything wrong... it's 32, 32 pixel .png forma... (by IWishIKnew)
by Perman
Qt Framework.
Can anybody recommend it. And will it make life easier to make a GUI? Books recommended? And last. Does it work with Borland. MSVC but haven't seen anything abo...
[4 replies] Last: I'm using Borland C++ ver 5.03. Borland 3.1 was an old console driven ... (by Perman)
Helping a windows7 user
I'm writing a program in c++ to be used by a Windows user. Are there any way of writing the make file so that a Windoze computer can compile it? If not, anyone ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I'll e-mail her the link, with the appropriate 'linux does th... (by liquidfuzz)
How can i make an RPG/MMORPG?
Ok, so basically im studying C++ at GCSE level in England, I'm in my first year (year 10) and have been learning C++ only since september. In school we program ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you all for the advice :D and @Ch1156 & @alexbnc i'll be sure to... (by RedZombu)
For loop not updating the numeric array?!
This is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. while(myReader->Read()) { for ( int j = 0; j < myReader->FieldCount; j++ ) { iASpeed = myRea...
[8 replies] Last: The thing is that even if I used ´20´instead of that FieldCount, I s... (by brreakerr)
Linked Lists In C
Hello, How would I go about making this program add new Nodes to the list. It seems it is only adding each entry to one node. I put a while loop to re - input ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You VERY MUCH kbw for strncpy, that helps alot! But im still con... (by Schwagmister)
VB6 Detection
In VB6 I was using GetAsyncKeyState to detect the keystrokes, was wondering if I could use the same in or is there a better way?
[1 reply] : The function works in any language because it is part of the Windows A... (by webJose)
Reverse char array
I need help trying to figure out how to do a reverse of a char. void reverse(char s ) for ex. 'Bat' becomes 'taB'
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by JBRUCE101)
DirectX Sample browser shows blank screen
Hi, I installed DirecX SDK (June2010) on my system in C:\Program Files. When I tried to open the samplebrowser.exe file a screen was displayed with few controls...
[1 reply] : The SDK is only needed to compile executables, not to run them. There... (by webJose)
by HenryJ
WxWidgets Button problem
Hi, I need some help with wxwidgets, this code does not work for some reason: MyPanel::MyPanel(wxFrame *parent):wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPositio...
[7 replies] Last: Instead of trying to test IsPressed, why dont you attach a click event... (by naraku9333)
Question on Tool Tips
I tried using google for this but couldn't find an answer. Hopefully someone here can help me out. Is is possible to display an image in a tool tip, if so c...
[1 reply] : I believe that you have to create your own functions for that. What e... (by alexbnc)
Set BITMAP on a STATIC control
I am trying to display a BITMAP image on a STATIC control and it doesn't work. I don't know what am I doing wrong. My code is this: //--RESOURCES.RC-- #defi...
[2 replies] Last: Second time I make the same mistake. 100 points for webJose. Thanks ma... (by alexbnc)
Writing UDP Packet body
Hey guys, I am new to network programming and I am trying to send a custom packet across a network using UDP. I can send and receive just fine (I 'cin' into a c...
[1 reply] : If you want to write 4 bytes of data, you need to create a buffer that... (by kbw)
making collision in pong
okay i am making pong for uni for my first assigment and i cant get my collision to work properly and as a result my ball wont bounce of my paddles... here ...
[2 replies] Last: trying a differant approach than that last method i found alot of prob... (by programmeraie125)
by evb
Reading Cygwin data in windows.
Anyone know how to transfer data between a program running under windows and a program running under Cygwin? I am trying to use a program running under Cygwin ...
[1 reply] : You need to be more specific about the app and the data you want from ... (by kbw)
by Kahiko
TerminateThread function and a class deconstructor
Hello i am writing a application that is using winsock. I decided to put all winsock relating functions in one class. Example below class networking { ...
[1 reply] : My guess is NO, and you should NOT use TerminateThread(). If you want... (by webJose)
Weird rect.bottom value - FTL! - Download example (1,2)
I am going crazy again with a function that is supposed to retrieve the window size and position, relative to its parent control. This is my code: int wind...
[29 replies] Last: OMG, It is exactly what I have done, excepting the definition of the l... (by alexbnc)
by Ch1156
Difference between LOWORD and HIWORD WPARAM and LPARAM
I was wondering what the differences between LOWORD and HIWORD are, i want to know what there used for, how there used and why. I looked it up and on one site i...
[19 replies] Last: In other words, change this... struct Girlfriend; { string... (by freddie1)
msvc11 MSSTL 64bit offset support?
I know that MSSTL through msvc10 hasn't supported direct 64bit offsets through iostreams. I was wondering if anyone can verify if the code here actually prints...
[no replies]
Help with File Association
Hello I'm making a cd player for windows and I have the option to set it as the default cd player. It works ok when I Click on the CDRom Drive it opens up my cd...
[10 replies] Last: Mark it as Solved (by alexbnc)
February 2012 Pages: 123456... 9
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