Windows Programming - August 2011 (Page 7)

setprecision(2), fixed, CLR
I don't know how to do this in C++ CLI/CLR... Trying to format a decimal. I have something like 85.948492834743 in a label. I want it to just be "85.95" anyone ...
[1 reply] : See: Standard Numeric Format Strings at MSDN (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
How to convert to 'System::String ^'?
I could really do with some help converting to System::String ^. I will be reading arguments into my program which are of type 'char*' using: int main(int...
[4 replies] Last: Your question is not idiotic at all. Your lack of effort in searching... (by webJose)
How to get process id through thread id?
We know the id of a thread (DWORD dwThreadId). Then, how can we get the process identifier of the process associated with the specified thread? I find the AP...
[9 replies] Last: As we know, the API "PostThreadMessage" could posts a message to the m... (by Test Test)
Can't get text to display right in Window.
So...I want to display text. On the screen. At the top. This code below displays it..somewhere in the middle, cuts it off halfway, and repeats itself. Any ...
[1 reply] : You are telling DrawText to display 60 characters so that's the max yo... (by freddie1)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 567
  Archived months: [jul2011] [sep2011]

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