Windows Programming - August 2011 (Page 5)

Circled windows
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a simple game, a Simon Says clone. In order to do that I want to create a circled main window for my game. I have been looking...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, that's what i meant. I will look into it. Thanks! (by orejano)
by slmnv5
memory leaks in a DLL for excel
Hi My excel workbook crashes after 10,000 calls to a function in the DLL from VBA. I see in the task manager that used memory is increasing with more calls. CR...
[1 reply] : Can you see what version of the CRT -- if any -- the 3rd party DLL is ... (by andywestken)
Keypress event in win32
Iv been looking on google for the past hour or so, and it is hard to belive how uncommon this question is. I want to know how to tell when a key is pressed insi...
[6 replies] Last: Both the Rich Edit and the Edit control know how to handle tab chars (... (by andywestken)
by TaoCG
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '^'
Hey, I'm relatively new to C++ and .NET and I am getting this error now in a Windows Forms project. There seems to be some problem with the included headers an...
[1 reply] : why you don't just try to combine them in 1 header file? btw, you shou... (by chipp)
setthreadcontext problem
Hi I am trying to change the threadcontext to make it execute a different function that different function I am keeping a sleep after few instructions and...
[no replies]
Win32 Listview Grouping Problems
I am having problems using groupings in my listview control. The code is not compiling, it says that the LVGROUP structure has not been declaired, and various o...
[no replies]
by Phiru
I am using WMVEncoderSDK...
I found a source code that is to record windows desktop. however, it doesn't capture any sound from windows. As i know, the problem is that it can not find A...
[no replies]
Mixing std::wstring with ICU?
I have decided to use ICU for some parts of my project. This project is exclusively on Windows, and interacts with the WinAPI. Is it safe to use std::wstring fo...
[3 replies] Last: I have no idea if the conversions are OK. In Windows, I would have Us... (by webJose)
hi everybody i have 3 question : 1) how can i hide a program (win32) from taskbar(just taskbar) 2) how can i hide or remove or disable close button (x) from con...
[12 replies] Last: If you want a console app, I would go with an actual console app, rath... (by andywestken)
How to create a new additional IRP
I have to change the behaviour of an existing driver. In some cases it is necessary to create a new additional IRP in the CompletionRoutine. How can...
[no replies]
Problems with Irrlicht Demo
So Microsoft Visual C++ is a good IDE. But, I put in the code exactly right. I know I did, but I keep getting this error: Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolve...
[8 replies] Last: device->drop should be called AFTER the bracket ' } ' so it will come ... (by S G H)
srand/rand problems
I'm making a sort of text based version of . Looking it up on youtube will give you a better idea. So anyway...
[6 replies] Last: The seed is used to generate a pseudo-random sequence of numbers, give... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
by salkec
Child message not handled
I am new to API programming and I created standard window: registered WNDCLASSEX and wrote procedure WindowProcedure for message processing, then created window...
[7 replies] Last: Tkank you very much for help. I solved problem but I still don't under... (by salkec)
A problem with vectors
Here's the situation: I have a static vector of HWND's. When a window is created it's handle is appended to the end of the vector. When a window is destroyed it...
[7 replies] Last: except that the size() function returned 2 before the erase(). The on... (by aaronfjerstad)
Memory Error
Why does this: MEMORYSTATUSEX statex; statex.dwLength = sizeof (statex); GlobalMemoryStatusEx (&statex); st...
[12 replies] Last: I know but I prefer code::blocks. I tried Visual C++ before and I real... (by businessman332211)
by LB
#ifdef & #if defined() in resource files
Why do #ifdef and #if defined always return false in resource files? I was going to use these to create different language builds based on the build type, and e...
[2 replies] Last: Oops...yes that was exactly the problem. I had to set the builds to de... (by LB)
Read File
I am a trying to write a program to read from a text file that is continuously getting longer. I wrote it in C++ originally and it works fine. Now I am trying t...
[2 replies] Last: It would better for you to just track down an example of how to read a... (by andywestken)
Why does including string in my DLL cause so many errors?
Well the title says it, I've got a DLL I'm building but I'm hung up already. Whenever I #include<string> I get over 150 errors. I can #include<string.h> just ...
[11 replies] Last: When you say you couldn't find "string", you do mean "std::string", ye... (by andywestken)
2 questions.
1. When programming for windows, is there a way to insert a link into something. Say you print out the text to a window "Test" is there a way to turn that into...
[6 replies] Last: Programming Windows, 5th edition by Charles Petzold. (by webJose)
Function call not working
This works inside the file main.cpp std::string GetLocalComputerName() { TCHAR chrComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; std::string strRetVal; ...
[6 replies] Last: Wow, thanks for the help. I appreciate that. (by businessman332211)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 34567
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