Windows Programming - August 2011 (Page 4)

by evgtun
Invoking c# dll function from managed c++
Hello people. I need help invoking c# dll from managed c++. I have a String Export(); function in c#. Can anyone paste som sample code of how to invoke this f...
[3 replies] Last: Try right clicking on the reference to QBLib.dll, select properties an... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
by ToniAz
Show hidden files and folders
Hello Everyone! I have 2 questions: (1) How can I switch between the option of showing hidden files and folders and hiding? Is there a speccific batch c...
[10 replies] Last: chipp's solution is not doing what you asked for originally yes, it ... (by chipp)
CLR Questions
hi guys how can i use System::String^ and array<> to STL ? for emample : String^ str = "...."; array<char>^ ar = ....; cliext::sort( .... ) ???!!!! how t...
[7 replies] Last: Ah, look at that! I did not notice that. I guess it was changed when... (by webJose)
How to Know If a Timer Has Finished?
I'm trying to figure out how I can check if the timer has finished. I'm using the SetTimer( ) function from within <Windows.h> . How will I know if the ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you :) Wazzak (by closed account zb0S216C)
Cmd access
Hey, is there a way to access the Cmd prompt and enter in data, as well as retrieve the data sent, and put it on the console window and/or into a string? What f...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you ^_^ Editing this in, even though this is barely old (8 days... (by Shay9999)
How can i open a file in Program Files folder
#include <windows.h> char buf ={0}; int main(){ DWORD dwLength = ExpandEnvironmentStrings("C:\\%ProgramFiles%\\Exam\\Exam.exe", buf, sizeof(buf)); if(d...
[9 replies] Last: @helegurbann -- Cool! So what was your solution? It's always nice to e... (by andywestken)
how to add user defined function (for C) to library in Dev C++.
How to add user defined function (for C) to library in Dev C++.? what s the procedure ? plz help..thanq
[no replies]
by Phiru
how to close a certain window?
I am looking for a method that is to find and close window. I have program in a flash memory and i can get that path. however, while the program is running i...
[4 replies] Last: Ahh thanks computergeek my skim reading missed all of that. Somehow I... (by James Burnby)
My game's main loop- need help
I am using the irrlicth engine and reading the book: "GAME CODING COMPLETE third edition" by Mike McShaffry. He gave me an example of how to do the initializati...
[4 replies] Last: BASS is an audio library. IrrLicht... (by ultifinitus)
by LB
Creating Dialogs by Calling Functions
I have Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, and I need to (possibly dynamically) create dialogs and show them. I do not want to use Windows Forms. I have searched b...
[2 replies] Last: You could also use ResEdit program (freeware) to create dialogs from r... (by modoran)
Chnage Look of Win32 Buttons
It has come to my attention that when I program in Win32 and create buttons, they look like the ones that run on Windows XP. How do you make them (the buttons) ...
[7 replies] Last: When a WM_DRAWITEM message arrives it provides you with all the info y... (by andywestken)
Returning LPWSTR variable is wrong
All right, this problem has been bugging me for a week now(had no internet connection). I want to return the name of a Treeview Item using Win32. My function i...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks guys, I've made my code consistent and will continue to do so a... (by DaSpirit)
All right, I am trying to make a working healthbar for my game done in direct x 9 and for some reason nothing I do works. Basically, when I run the game and the...
[no replies]
by Phiru
I wanna detect flash memory stic when it is plugged and removed by using DeviceChage Method. In fact, the program i made worked before i did something.. but, ...
[3 replies] Last: Well, asking the next obvious question, have you defined WINVER as req... (by andywestken)
Installed exe through setup has bugs
Any idea why an application that runs smoothly would develop bugs when it is deployed through microsoft setup? And, even better, any idea how to solve any such...
[6 replies] Last: I still wonder why C/C++ run-time do not automatically provide defaul... (by Moschops)
Codeblocks incompatable type error
I am using CodeBlocks 10.05. I was trying to get CB to profile my code, in the process of doing this I must have realy screwed something up. Now Mingw wont even...
[no replies]
by fnk
Hi, i read many threads about noskipws in stringstream, but i still don't know how to use it. I want to create string with few variables (int, char and string)....
[3 replies] Last: Sorry for my distraction. I wanted to get exactly that what sloppy9 wr... (by fnk)
by nice
error C2143 missing ';' before type
int test(void) { if(1) { return -1;} int k=0; return k; } Under VisualStudioExpress 2008, I can compile above file if named test.cpp If the file is ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, it worked. I had set this option globally for the project, but... (by nice)
Using Google Earth API for Flight Sim
Hello, I am trying to relate some flight simulation code to the Google Earth Flight Simulator for testing purposes (to have a basic "visual" rather than look...
[no replies]
Thread problem
hi guys i want create thread in "Windows Application .Net clr" but i have one problem ! thrd = gcnew System::Threading::Thread( gcnew System::Threading::Th...
[5 replies] Last: its too bad i really dont like it :( ok tnx all (by ahura24)
August 2011 Pages: 1234567
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