Windows Programming - August 2011

Calling event from Dialog Box?
Using VS 2010: In the old style SDK I would use SendMessage with WM_COMMAND and create a unique ID to be processed in my WM_COMMAND event handler in the main...
[4 replies] Last: All you need to do is simply pass a reference to the main form to the ... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
by sajan
system software programming
Hi all, i am sajan gupta engineering student, i want to know the structure(How to start programming for operating system or system software programming) of syst...
[10 replies] Last: thanks to all, for helping me to learn what i want. (by sajan)
How can i show binary values in editbox?
I want to show a file binary values in textfield2.Thank u for ur all helps. #include <fstream> #include <windows.h> #include <bitset> #define textfield1...
[2 replies] Last: Ok.I understand this.But binary UINT.It must be this.I don't unders... (by Helegurbann)
by HenriK
Win32 - How to set up icon(s) properly?
This is my Window -class: #ifndef __LORE_WINDOW_HPP__ #define __LORE_WINDOW_HPP__ /* ------------------------- */ /* Programming language: C++ */ /* -------...
[3 replies] Last: Well, that's all my code is doing and my icon is displaying fine (on V... (by andywestken)
A make web browser in winapi
How can i make a web browser in winapi? #include <windows.h> HWND hwnd; LRESULT CALLBACK P(HWND A,UINT B,WPARAM C,LPARAM D){ switch(B){ ...
[1 reply] : You could use IWebBrowser2 COM interface if you must do it in winapi. ... (by modoran)
Get SQL Server Instances
Hi All I need to get all the SQL Server instances on a specific machine. This machine is a virtual machine. I have tried using SqlDataSourceEnumerator and Sm...
[3 replies] Last: Hey I am using .NET (Visual C++) to try get the available instances o... (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
by luo193
class pointer conversion
I encountered a problem,the problem is as following: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: display(){cout<<"A"<<endl;} }; class B:public...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your help (by luo193)
by siloan
win processes
Hi, how to hide/show minimize/maximize only specified processes/programs and not the own console, for example if i have 10processes running for the program test...
[11 replies] Last: Yep, thanks, now i will try to understand your example. (by siloan)
bubble sort
I'm trying to sort people inside a listbox based on the number of their bookings int iEnd = ListBox1->Items->Count - 1; AnsiString str1,str2,temp; ...
[7 replies] Last: Yes it did :-) (by allytrice)
Don't know what to title this.
Need to do something like Windows' calculator where you press a button and it adds the letter/number into the edit box. Can't use SetDlgItemText because that...
[3 replies] Last: If it's a dialog, I think that Get/SetDlgItemText make more sense than... (by andywestken)
Dynamic loading - using symbols from exe in dll
Hello, I am porting program to Windows. It consists of two parts: program and plugin. Program dynamically loads plugin using dlopen+dlsym, or LoadLibrary+GetP...
[6 replies] Last: There is another solution: plugin: int (*f1)(int x); ... y=f1(5); p... (by h0nzZik)
by Tika
Linking problems with Visual Studio C++ 2008
I create a solution "Mysl" and two projects in that solution: 1-"Utility" project 2-"Main" project Utility project, in header files have: //sum.h class S { pri...
[5 replies] Last: As you are new to Visual Studio, I suggest you stick to creating exes ... (by andywestken)
Passing HWND into a DLL
Hey all. I hit a problem in my work today and am not 100% on how to do something like this. I have a library function that resides in a DLL: #ifndef _DXREND...
[13 replies] Last: You have to include <windows.h> to get the HWND struct which is used f... (by bvrwoo)
New Software Utility Written With VC++ 2010 Express
I have made a helpful (at least for me) new software utility called Quick Launcher. It was written exclusively with VC++ 2010 Express, except I produced the RC ...
[no replies]
Can someone explain this to me please...
This is part of a cinema project code that my friend did. I understand most of the other parts, but when I came to this part, I am completely lost. Can someone...
[1 reply] : Just formatting the code so I can read it better. void Ticketing::... (by Turbine)
by eidge
My first: "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol" yei!
I'm trying to compile a simple HTTP request sender/receiver, as part of my socket studying. All the code can be found here:
[2 replies] Last: What a pair of fresh eyes can do, I've ran this code from end to end t... (by eidge)
system("notepad") return value
int ret = system("notepad"); this code for me is returning -1, which is the error code. Under normal conditions, it is supposed to open a notepad, and retu...
[1 reply] : Open a new command line window, type "path > path.txt" then press ENTE... (by Computergeek01)
How can i show my button bitmap picture?
I want to add a pic in my button.I tried this.But it doesn't work: #include <windows.h> HBITMAP hBmp; HWND button; LRESULT CALLBACK P(HWND A,UINT B,WPARA...
[4 replies] Last: I can not work.I use Dev-C++ (by Helegurbann)
WinForms - Import functions from .h to others .h
Hi... i have Form1.h, in this form i have functions on Open, Exit,... i do Launcher with Auto updates. But i have problem...i need import functions from Form1.h...
[no replies]
Overriding Window Frame Paint
Well I want to paint my own window rather than using Window's default frame style. Although I just don't want to paint over it, is there a way to completely ove...
[1 reply] : There are three ways I am aware of #1 Create the window without a fra... (by andywestken)
August 2011 Pages: 123... 7
  Archived months: [jul2011] [sep2011]

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