by Cambalinho
resources files
[no replies]
Sockets windows c++ |
[4 replies] Last: i've got a simple client / server progs that work if you're interested... (by turnbui)
burning cd/dvd api for c++ |
[2 replies] Last: i heard about imapi but looks like all sources are down. https://msd... (by naraku9333)
by RickBlacker
Finding hardware device
[no replies]
by dilver
error when compiling c++ source code
[4 replies] Last: Look at line 39, the printf() function is probably FUBARRED: printf()... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
| help me please |
[13 replies] Last: in last form I have to show the users purchases and the sub total ... (by Thomas1965)
by fluppe
Interlocked fcns.
[6 replies] Last: That sounds great. I was trying the interlocked fcns because i thought... (by fluppe)
by coldthunder
Accessing .text section code pages of a Windows process
[no replies]
by Cambalinho
how can i detect 1 error?
[no replies]
by leeffm
Visual studio program works on my computer but not windows 10
[5 replies] Last: im re downloading the 2012 express version but i dont see a windows fo... (by leeffm)
by evaboy
C, Win32 API: l need help with data/ file storage on disk
[2 replies] Last: I don't know what a 'crackme' is, but from my understanding of what yo... (by freddie1)
by leeffm
using console commands froma button and textbox
[6 replies] Last: 1 error is better than 2 :D Try ShellExecute W (...) You should rea... (by coder777)
by sambos
Efficient datatable searching
[1 reply] : Would a vector / map or something similar be useful? The data is st... (by Thomas1965)
by remon50
Install Notepad + + on CMD
[no replies]
by leeffm
write string from textbox to ini
[2 replies] Last: :D Thanks! (by leeffm)
by w4ssup
How do I find window form box?
[no replies]
by evaboy
C, Win32 API: l need help with ReadFile function
[5 replies] Last: @Freddie1: No. But l have gotten the answer being that the szbuf was n... (by evaboy)
by Cambalinho
win32- Menus: a MF_POPUP menu, can have an image?
[2 replies] Last: finally i did that ;) if(ispopup==false) SetMenuI... (by Cambalinho)
Open with functionality |
[1 reply] : If you're using windows, you can use the WINAPI. It has functions that... (by xismn)