by Mimo0Cool
NtQuerySystemInformation ...
[3 replies] Last: This is kinda undocumented. The first argument is actually an enum an... (by zdzero)
by khadija520
vc++ for resources
[1 reply] : They all support resources. VC Express doesn't come with a visual res... (by Texan40)
[2 replies] Last: CObList is a linked list of CObjects I think. You can't typecast an a... (by Texan40)
by TheHardew
Get tray icon position?
[6 replies] Last: I think they are, they manage different messages, and the only differe... (by TheHardew)
by naveen2525
MFC Proj Treat WChar_t AS Built in Type issue
[no replies]
possible to make a console byte-graphics editor that outputs to C++ syntax? |
[no replies]
new to MFC, trying to change a label based on an if statement using a button |
[4 replies] Last: but I guess I could make use of either much more easily than windows... (by freddie1)
by Ganado
Following stackoverflow post, INPUT buffer passing
[1 reply] : Stuff like this happens to me to sometimes. You see a question posted ... (by Computergeek01)
by sumiths
find monitor instance name , device name , resolution and frequency of multiple monitors (VGA and HDMI)
[3 replies] Last: @ modoran : You are absolutely right, in fact it's the second member ... (by Computergeek01)
by khadija520
error invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'TCHAR*'
[1 reply] : calloc returns a void*. Before this return can be assigned to a TCHAR... (by freddie1)