Windows Programming - April 2015 (Page 3)

NtQuerySystemInformation ...
one of the most powerfull Native-Function (in Ntdll.dll) is NtQuerySystemInformation,, So I want to use it ... but the problem i have is that i don't really kno...
[3 replies] Last: This is kinda undocumented. The first argument is actually an enum an... (by zdzero)
vc++ for resources
which visual c++ version supports resources i need to include menus and dialogue boxes
[1 reply] : They all support resources. VC Express doesn't come with a visual res... (by Texan40)
Hi, I want typecast COblist variable to WPARAM and LPARAM. Is it possible if possible then how and if not then why? ex--> COblist llsource; (WPARAM...
[2 replies] Last: CObList is a linked list of CObjects I think. You can't typecast an a... (by Texan40)
Get tray icon position?
Hi everybody! I'd like to make an app, that uses tray icon. When you click on that icon, window appears, just like in this picture with sound icon: http://g...
[6 replies] Last: I think they are, they manage different messages, and the only differe... (by TheHardew)
MFC Proj Treat WChar_t AS Built in Type issue
I am working with VC++ proj having "Character Set" as "Use Unicode Character Set" and "Treat WChar_t AS Built in Type" as "Yes (/Zc:wchar_t)"in proj settings. W...
[no replies]
possible to make a console byte-graphics editor that outputs to C++ syntax?
sorry if this is spam but... so I'm nowhere near ready to try it yet, but I'm working on a fun little game right now, and I saw examples online of something un...
[no replies]
new to MFC, trying to change a label based on an if statement using a button
hey all, Im new to using visual studio and MFC, i've been trying to use simple functions I know to get a hang of things and make a simple Hello world program wi...
[4 replies] Last: but I guess I could make use of either much more easily than windows... (by freddie1)
by Ganado
Following stackoverflow post, INPUT buffer passing
Here's a link to the stackoverflow post I copied from: Except for changing the x, y, width, and height values, as well as ad...
[1 reply] : Stuff like this happens to me to sometimes. You see a question posted ... (by Computergeek01)
find monitor instance name , device name , resolution and frequency of multiple monitors (VGA and HDMI)
hi, In my system multiple monitors are connected (VGA and HDMI). In need to know the monitor instance name , device name , resolution and frequency of eac...
[3 replies] Last: @ modoran : You are absolutely right, in fact it's the second member ... (by Computergeek01)
error invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'TCHAR*'
#include <windows.h> #define ID_LIST 1 #define ID_TEXT 2 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) ; int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE...
[1 reply] : calloc returns a void*. Before this return can be assigned to a TCHAR... (by freddie1)
April 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [mar2015] [may2015]

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