Hi I m NEW.....

Hello evryone i m new to this forums...
i want a favour from u guys n gals...
can u tell me which software is used in GAME PROGRAMMINg??
and can i start game programming in C++...if yes then how???
thanx in advanc
Yes, you can create games with C++, actually most of the games are in C++.
You can go to microsofts express site (if you use windows) ( http://www.microsoft.com/express/gamedevelopment/ ) they have there to download the Visual C++ Express Edition and the The Game Creators GDK that can help you get started.
There are also other information there that can help you ot.
Yeah, most times, now that I program, I look at a situation in a game and think: "Oh, I see how they would have done that".

Pretty interesting.
Warning: If you're not adept in general C++ you will be very lost with something like Game Creators GDK. Just a heads up.

If not, It also seems like a lot of people use Allegro so that's another one you could look up.
www.ogre3d.org is another good one. But all of these require a proficient knowledge of C++
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