Hello all, I’ve been learning c++ and how to use it, I downloaded the visual studio compiler and I wanted to make a game. It’ll just be a dinosaur game like the google one. I was wondering where to start from so I thought maybe the background and pics and effects etc would be a place to start. This was one concept I struggled with so could I please grab some assistance!!
Thanks in advance
Standard C++ doesn't have any graphics capabilities. As stated above, you'll need to use a 3rd party library. IMO, you'd be better off getting to grips with C++ (using the console) before also having to learn the chosen graphics library - which is likely to be heavy on classes.
Okay I’ll give that a shot, when I created a project, I chose the wizard project, I used static library and chose empty project. Would that be correct?
Well if you want an opinion, I like using SFML (Thomas also mentioned it). It's a multimedia library that you could use for something like the obstacle jumping game.
Unfortunately for one of the download link you gave me, There isn’t any 2019 version for it, Also I was wondering that why is the version I have different to the ones I see I turtorials?
Bjarne Stroustrup ('Inventor' of C++) in his book 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++' uses FLTK for graphics/GUI, and provides examples and exercises using it.
I already have the VS 2019, but it’s really different to the turtorials I’m watching so sometimes it becomes difficult to understand. I’ll try the VS 2017.
Bjarne Stroustrup ('Inventor' of C++) in his book 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++' uses FLTK for graphics/GUI, and provides examples and exercises using it.