Create a batch file, say:
that contains
set PATH=C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin;%PATH% |
(Alter that statement to point to wherever your binaries are for YOUR compilers).
Put this file anywhere in your current path. (I create a c:\util directory to do precisely this for various programs).
When you want to do some programming:
Open a
cmd window.
Go to whichever folder your source files are (or wherever you want to create them) and enter
This will put all your compiler stuff in the current path FOR THIS SESSION ONLY, so keeping your usual search path quite short.
Now you can use whatever editor you like (just
notepad try.cpp would do) and compile to your heart's content:
g++ try.cpp
gfortran try.f90
By default, it creates an executable
a.exe which you can run in the command window by simply typing
or even just
There are compiler options to change the name of the executable, or you can do it manually.
Now, isn't that simpler than the bloat that comes with Visual Studio and its "projects" nonsense?