I unplug Aux cable now PC stuck on Headphone Mode

Hello ! I try with toothpick...wherever...i unplug aux cable fast multiple times....I reinstall windows , delete everything...still not solved it.
Now if i go to SOUNDS and I connect headphones or hdmi from TV, it did not show me anything any more. It just show me Realtek Default...is meen default speeker from my Asus leptop. The speekers from PC are not working now, I can only playback sounds if I connect headphones or put aux cable to stereo combine. What to do, to solve speekers to work again on my leptop ?

Sorry for me english !

I am desparate, this thing stoped me to learn for my exams !
I hope I am allow with techinical issue problems ! I ask here cause I know PRO Computing Science are here !
This is a programming forum.
I agree with helios, this kind of question should be posted to the Lounge. But at the end of the day it sounds like your speakers are dead. Boot up a live disk if you want to rule out any driver conflicts but the reimaging pretty much did that already. Depending on the age of the laptop, it might not make sense to pay for the repair. Grab a cheap pair of external speakers and go from there.
Toothpicks and delicate connections do not mix.

Sounds like broken hardware, but in case it is a software problem: If you re-imaged your computer or re-installed your OS, your laptop's original, factory drivers will be gone. When I re-imaged a laptop a two years ago, I couldn't get the special touch interface buttons to work because the OS by itself didn't know what to do with the special hardware.

Look up what your exact Asus laptop model is, and search the brand's website to try to find the appropriate drivers for your speakers.
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