UNIX/Linux Programming - May 2024

build systems and code editors\IDE's you use or suggest on Linux?
For the last 2 years I'm using VSCode, since my switch to Linux I continue to use it. But there are many pitfalls with VSCode, primarily VSCode is not good f...
[8 replies] Last: Spack https://spack.io/ -- "scientific package manager" -- is not an a... (by keskiverto)
About standard strings in Linux?
I'm new to Linux dev, so far I've been mostly writing Win32 applications where `char` is `ANSI` and `wchar_t` is UNICODE. But I see under Linux the default i...
[8 replies] Last: @kigar64551 I'm very grateful for your sample code and mention of icon... (by malibor)
  Archived months: [apr2024] [jun2024]

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