UNIX/Linux Programming - July 2014 (Page 2)

Multithreaded C program.
Hi, I want to develop an application for do simultaneous process. For this requirement I decided to use pthreads. So I wrote a c code for that. But the probl...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, Problem solved. Thank you all. (by dushantha12)
Capturing X window actions and responses thereof
Hello, I have a need to record user actions on x windows based applications. Further, I also need to capture text input and output from these windows. I am n...
[1 reply] : http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/ Particularly, http://tronche.com/gui/x... (by Lowest0ne)
Share objects from library with many executables.
I am looking to write a server. I want one executable to be able to start and stop the server and another executable to get statistics from the server and chang...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, very helpful. (by VHBIL)
How does std::regex work?
Good Evening! I'm writing some kind of parser and the c++11 regex library might come in handy. Now the most recent g++ compiler in my package sources doesn't s...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, Exactly what I was looking for, I like it. Only knew boost::re... (by hithere)
Multi-thread logging efficiency
I provided a logging functionality to provide about 15 threads output there logs to a log file. So I used a mutex lock to serialize the logging process. In conc...
[5 replies] Last: About Boost.log I glanced over the boost website. It will be wise j... (by myaegean)
where i find a Bass API tutorial?
[1 reply] : Have you tried google yet? There is also the documentation with some e... (by giblit)
by Nezar
hello, i have installed gnome. when i run gnome-session after initializing xinit in the terminal, it looks like the server is trying to launch gnome but i get...
[1 reply] : 1. Not a C++ programming issue. There are more appropriate Fora out th... (by keskiverto)
How to declare a Three-index vector
Can someone help me. I would like to declare a three-index vector. I already did a two-index one. As above: vector <vector<double> > c; //cost c = vector<v...
[6 replies] Last: The question isn't really how to make a 3D array, that's easy. The qu... (by kbw)
by fafner
Finding default search path
I'm trying to compile some stuff on a new computer, which depends on some libraries I just installed. They are installed in /usr/local, and my compiler can't fi...
[3 replies] Last: Also, clang++ -help will list a ton of options, one of which is: cl... (by norm b)
SDL_BlitSurface won't work
skin=IMG_Load("./assets/Windowskins/WindskinA.png"); SDL_BlitSurface( skin, NULL, output_window, NULL ); t = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Surf_Display,outp...
[11 replies] Last: It's working now, thanks. (by legendarysnake)
Suggested online material to know clear picture on STL and Multithread Programming
Dear Friends, Can any one suggest me online best material for STL and Multithread Programming in C++.
[1 reply] : Are you looking for reference material, or a tutorial? cplusplus.com'... (by dhayden)
Write data to a "pipe"
Hi, I would greatly appreciate help with editing some code. The provided code writes binary samples from a usrp radio to a .dat file. I am trying to edit th...
[1 reply] : Isn't is simply a case of asking the operating system to pipe the stan... (by Chervil)
by Nezar
bash: ./filename.bmp permission denied
hello, I'm trying to open a .bmp file in the Ubuntu server using the X11 enviroment but i get the following error: bash: ./filename.bmp permission denied ...
[1 reply] : Maybe you should check the file permissions. But it looks like you'r... (by kbw)
Multi thread access a log file
Recently I created a logging functionality for multiple threads. I also used mutex lock to control multiple access on logging file. I met a issue when testing t...
[6 replies] Last: Your solution is really nice, thank you! (by myaegean)
by Nezar
cannot connect to X11 window server
hello, I'm running The Ubuntu server without a GUI using the Oracle VM virtual box and i'm trying to open a java based graphic window but i get the following er...
[2 replies] Last: thanks. solved :) (by Nezar)
semi transparent - sdl
how i render a semi transmarent image using sdl? i want this effect: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=rpg+maker+xp+netplay&client=firefox-a&hs=uPS&rls=org.moz...
[1 reply] : You could create an image that have transparency and then load and use... (by Peter87)
by yepMe
difference between key and message id
Hi all, what is the difference between key and message id in message queue ?
[1 reply] : In which message queue? (by kbw)
Stealth Port Scanner question (recv())...
After sending a packet, I get a response... int size = recv(socketDescriptor, buffer, sizeof(buffer), MSG_DONTWAIT); cout << "received: " << size << endl; co...
[5 replies] Last: It's not odd if you understand the networking stack. When using a sock... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Clearing console?
OS:Ubuntu 12.04 IDE:CodeBlocks any one know how to clear the console efficiently? im running a console along my opengl app and need to print some variables...
[4 replies] Last: You realize that your debugger is there for this exact purpose, right?... (by ResidentBiscuit)
I'm trying to use itoa method but it won't work here, on c++11. there is a another way to convert int to const char?
[4 replies] Last: it is working, is rendering the enemy hp value on the screen thanks. (by legendarysnake)
July 2014 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [jun2014] [aug2014]

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