UNIX/Linux Programming - July 2014

Send email from C++ Code ( No libs )
Hello all, I am trying to send a simple text email from and through gmail. I found some code online. Originally I got a problem stating that I needed to 'START...
[6 replies] Last: I think you need to confirm it.. to send outgoing email, ssl is not ... (by modoran)
Non-Blocking TCP/IP Server and Client Example in C
Hi, Anyone has C example for Non-Blocking TCP/IP server and client in Linux environment? Thank you.
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps if you asked a specific question we might be able to help. (by kbw)
Socket read time consuming
Hi, I have developed a multi threaded tcp server application using C. In my server it's getting 200 - 300 milliseconds to read something. void readReq...
[8 replies] Last: yes I am sure that the data is available for read. How do you know? ... (by kbw)
segmentation problem writing to shared memory segment
plz help out what would be problem in the following program? I am trying to write structure to shm in child process and i want read from parent... #include<...
[1 reply] : did you put a break and checked which line the segmentation is occurri... (by writetonsharma)
by Serkan
Hox to use fgets() and getchar() functions? Where is the error in my code?
Hi. I wrote simple code. But it does not work correctly. I could not solve the problem. Entries cannot be right. Please help. (I use gcc 4.9 x86 64 bits) #in...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. I solved the problem by following the link http://stackover... (by Serkan)
Arduino Serial Connection in Ported Program from Windows
I'm porting a C++ program from Windows Visual Studio 2010 to Ubuntu 12.04. It uses this library on Windows to communicate with an Arduino: http://playground.a...
[1 reply] : I think your problem might be with the value of readResult. You initia... (by joe7)
Problem with mktime()
Hi guys, I'm now writing a program on my RedHat Linux Machine using gcc compiler, which will accept two dates as input and compute the difference between them. ...
[1 reply] : If the values are outside their normal ranges mktime will adjust all t... (by Peter87)
array error help!
I'm making a game, and currently i'm making a class to help with creating the map for the game, but when I compile I get an error invalid use of non-stati...
[1 reply] : The compiler has to create code that reserves memory for the local aut... (by keskiverto)
by geng07
Newbie here, can someone give me a sample source code for mDNS, thankyou
[1 reply] : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mDNS+source+code (by kbw)
by puef
undefined reference error
im trying to compile a bot for a game and after many hours of debugging i am still unable to because of this libui.a(libui_a-uMenu.o): In function `uMenuIte...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/113904/ (by ne555)
how to use member function for pthread_create
Hi, pthread API is C API, we should pass global function as 3rd argument for pthread_create and which sould be of type void * and fourth argument should of ...
[3 replies] Last: No. Pthreads is a C API and C doesn't have member functions. (by Peter87)
Text not drawing
I want draw a text using this class on a sdl window, but it wont work, won't draw anything. CText.h //======================================================...
[3 replies] Last: Yes you missing rendering the images on loop i check your code but it;... (by watchwrestling2)
by jaystu
sleep() command trouble
for windows users, i've seen multiple sleep delays for one output. For example, #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> using namesp...
[2 replies] Last: hey thanks a lot! here's my working code: #include <unistd.h> int u... (by jaystu)
sqlite3 help
i want return a value for the GetHP function, i don't know how i return this value from the sql result. i have the int returnvalue declared on my header file ...
[6 replies] Last: i fixed (by legendarysnake)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The following is part of the code I'm working on - #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "aes.h" #include <string.h> #define CCHMA...
[6 replies] Last: debugger, backtrace valgrind is a good tool too. one thing I see is ... (by ne555)
by StarAD
Linking to a shared library and still having undefined references
Hi, I am new in the forum as on unix. I am developing a project on Windows and I am trying to port it to unix. I have installed Ubuntu 14 and I have create Ma...
[4 replies] Last: I have found the problem. The problem was the order of the parameters ... (by StarAD)
socket and sdl
i'm trying to run the method translate() on my application main loop, and my game pause until the server send a message back. //============================...
[5 replies] Last: Application running correctly now, thanks. (by legendarysnake)
Guidance needed for better understanding and improving multi threading programming
Hi All, I have 2 yrs of work experience on c++. In these 2 yrs of time i never got a chance to implement or to work on multi-threading. I have a very limited...
[1 reply] : Checkout The C++ Standard Library 2nd Edition by Nicolai M. Josuttis... (by kbw)
by omurad
Outputting colored strings in Linux's Terminal
I am currently programming on Linux Mint using Eclipse, and since I hate the Eclipse console (because of its white background) I like to run my code using termi...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks you for the clear up ResidentBiscuit! (by omurad)
Missing boost symbols for x64 ubuntu
My old ubuntu-based web server finally died. I'm trying to put things back together on a new 64 bit machine. I have a server-side c++ utility that I need to r...
[11 replies] Last: What's puzzling to me is that order makes a difference in this case o... (by modoran)
July 2014 Pages: 123
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