Know a text editor have feature colorizing the loop?

Sorry if not really right place for this:

Is there any S/W development text editor have feature colorizing every part that is of iteration or loop process ?
Many code editors/IDEs have a feature that will highlight pairs of { } when placing the text cursor next to one of them. This can help you see what code belongs to loops and other block scopes, but otherwise you'll go a long way with just proper indentation.
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Additionally, most editors will highlight matching “words” when you place the text caret on a word. For example,

 for (int n = 0;  n < 10;  n++) 
   std::cout << n << "\n"; 

If you place the text cursor on any n, the editor will highlight all the other ns.

I personally like Notepad++, but it is a Windows program, you need to run it with Wine.

Another good choice is Sublime Text.
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I'm not sure that you will find any editor that directly colourises a loop structure. What would it do if you had nested loops?

Highlighting matches braces is useful, and also helps with scope. But "loop" covers many flow-control routes, many not trivial: e.g. exiting them with break or return, recursion, or when (heaven forbid) someone is using goto to create an implicit loop structure.

Get used to using good indentation. (Actually, I quite like python's reliance on it for establishing good practice.)
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you can sort of force it with notepad++ and your own language, but nesting would be frustrating.

you can also perhaps practice your own form of defensive coding, eg I have been known to do this to improve readability if my code gets complicated:

for(int i...)
   for(int j...)
      for(int k..)

        }//end for k
   }//end for j
}//end for i

your IDE should tie pairs together, and indentation should make it clear, but even so, running across a random } while browsing it really helps to have a what is this comment for long blocks.
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Many modern IDEs have "folding" options and will show the beginning and end of the loop structure along the left side of the window... This works even with nested structures.
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