that is standard hello world program linux mint last stable version
-------------- Build: Debug in prj1 (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
Target is up to date.
Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
-------------- Run: Debug in prj1 (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
Checking for existence: /home/miloserdniy/prj1/bin/Debug/prj1
Executing: xterm -T prj1 -e /usr/bin/cb_console_runner LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. /home/miloserdniy/prj1/bin/Debug/prj1 (in /home/miloserdniy/prj1/.)
Process terminated with status -1 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
You also either need to make sure the program "xterm" is actually installed on your computer, or change the name of the executable (xterm) to some other terminal program.
Edit: What operating system are you using? And what version is the OS?
If it builds OK; but, does not run the problem on Linux is normally you failed to install the terminal program or need to configure Code::Blocks to use the terminal program that is installed.
Maybe xterm is the issue, like jlb said.
Is the default terminal on Mint gnome-terminal? Maybe try that?
Since Mint doesn't automatically install xterm, I normally just take the minute or two to download and install the xterm package, then there is no need to mess with the command line arguments to setup the environment.