/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lioutil


I want to do makefile as the following, but I received this error:

gcc frparse.o frtags.o frscan.o frinit.o frstop.o frfoot.o frio.o -L/usr/local/image/lib/sgi -lioutil -lutil -o frparse

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lioutil

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Makefile:17: recipe for target 'frparse' failed make: *** [frparse] Error 1

I would appreciate it if you guide me.

IMLIB = /usr/local/image/lib/sgi
LLIBS = -lioutil -lutil

it: frparse frcheck pgrep
OBJ = frparse.o frtags.o frscan.o frinit.o frstop.o frfoot.o frio.o

frparse.o: Makefile frparse.h frio.h frproto.h frstop.h frparse.c
frinit.o: Makefile frparse.h frproto.h frinit.c
frscan.o: Makefile frio.h frstop.h frscan.c
frfoot.o: Makefile frparse.h frproto.h frstop.h frfoot.c
frtags.o: Makefile frparse.h frio.h frproto.h frstop.h frtags.c
frstop.o: Makefile frstop.h frstop.c
frio.o: Makefile frio.c

frparse: $(OBJ)
gcc $(OBJ) -L$(IMLIB) $(LLIBS) -o $@

frcheck: frcheck.o
gcc frcheck.o -L$(IMLIB) $(LLIBS) -o $@

pgrep: pgrep.o
gcc pgrep.o -L$(IMLIB) $(LLIBS) -o $@

# cc -c -O2 -mips2 $<
gcc -c -g $<
From a command prompt, do
ls -l /usr/local/image/lib/sgi

You should see either libutil.a and/or libutil.so (which will satisfy the -lutil part).

Do you see anything resembling ioutil ?
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