1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
// .........................
int ll_min = 2,ll_max = 30, phiDiv = 100;
double ***legendreCoeff_Only;
legendreTransfOnly (NN, ll_min, ll_max, phiDiv, legendreCoeff_Only, PhiBounds);
legendreOnly_Restore (NN, ll_min, ll_max, phiDiv, legendreCoeff_Only, PhiBounds);
} // integrateNONrotated // Class RealWork
public : void legendreTransfOnly (int NN, int ll_min, int ll_max, int phiDiv, double ***legendreCoeff_Only, PhiLimits *PhiBounds)
// dimensions of legendreCoeff_Only:
// (1) angle phi in 0.9 degrees increments from 0 to 90 degrees, represented by phiCou (integer)
// (2) index ll
// (3) index mm
Conversions conv;
LegendrePolynomials leg;
Localizations loc;
std::ofstream outFile_1,outFile_2;
outFile_1.open ("fileLeg_Coeff.csv");
outFile_2.open ("fileInsideH.csv");
double * flatAreasArray;
double flatHere;
int phiCou,hTest;
double phi,phiRad,phiStep,theta,thetaRad,cosTheta,xx,yy,zz,res,ALP,weight;
phiStep = 90.00/phiDiv; // phiDiv is 100
legendreCoeff_Only = new double ** [phiDiv+1];
phi = - phiStep;
phiCou = -1;
while (phi <= 90.0) {
phi += phiStep;
phiCou += 1;
legendreCoeff_Only[phiCou] = new double * [ll_max - ll_min + 1];
outFile_1 << "phi = " << phi << "\n";
outFile_2 << "phi = " << phi << "\n";
phiRad = conv.degToRad (phi);
for (int ll = ll_min; ll <= ll_max; ll++) {
legendreCoeff_Only [phiCou][ll-ll_min] = new double [ll+1];
flatAreasArray = new double[ll+1];
if (ll > 0)
readFlatAreas (ll,flatAreasArray);
flatAreasArray[0] = 0.0;
outFile_1 << "ll = " << ll << ",";
outFile_2 << "ll = " << ll << ",";
for (int mm = 0; mm <= ll; mm++) {
flatHere = flatAreasArray [mm];
res = 0.0;
for (int jj = ComCom.thetaIntMinn; jj <= ComCom.thetaIntMaxx; jj++) { // Theta loop
theta = PhiBounds[jj].theta;
if (theta > flatHere) {
thetaRad = conv.degToRad(theta);
cosTheta = cos(thetaRad);
conv.convToCart (thetaRad,phiRad,xx,yy,zz);
hTest = loc.insideLetterH (xx,yy,zz); // This checks if inside letter H.
outFile_2 << hTest << ",";
if (hTest == 1 || hTest == 2 || hTest == 3) {
ALP = leg.legendre_Norm_Selector (cosTheta,ll,mm,2);
weight = loc.findWeight (NN,jj);
res += (ALP * weight);
} // theta loop
outFile_1 << res << ",";
legendreCoeff_Only[phiCou][ll-ll_min][mm] = res;
} // mm loop
outFile_1 << "\n";
outFile_2 << "\n";
} // ll loop
free (flatAreasArray);
outFile_2 << "\n";
} // phi loop
} // legendreTransfOnly class RealWork
public : void legendreOnly_Restore (int NN, int ll_min, int ll_max, int phiDiv, double ***legendreCoeff_Only, PhiLimits *PhiBounds)
Conversions conv;
LegendrePolynomials leg;
Localizations loc;
std::ofstream outFile_3,outFile_4;
outFile_3.open ("perspectProj_3.dat");
outFile_4.open ("fileLegOnlyRestore.csv");
double * flatAreasArray;
double flatHere;
int phiCou;
double phi,phiRad,phiStep,theta,thetaRad,cosTheta,xx,yy,zz,res,ALP,weight,coeff;
phiStep = 90.00/phiDiv; // phiDiv is 100
phi = - phiStep;
phiCou = -1;
while (phi <= 90.0) {
phi += phiStep;
outFile_4 << endl << "phi = " << phi;
phiCou += 1;
phiRad = conv.degToRad (phi);
for (int jj = ComCom.thetaIntMinn; jj <= ComCom.thetaIntMaxx; jj++) { // Theta loop
theta = PhiBounds[jj].theta;
thetaRad = conv.degToRad(theta);
conv.convToCart (thetaRad,phiRad,xx,yy,zz);
cosTheta = cos(thetaRad);
res = 0.0;
for (int ll = ll_min; ll <= ll_max; ll++) {
for (int mm = 0; mm <= ll; mm++) {
ALP = leg.legendre_Norm_Selector (cosTheta,ll,mm,2);
coeff = legendreCoeff_Only[phiCou][ll-ll_min][mm];
if (coeff > 0.0)
res += (ALP * coeff);
outFile_4 << res << ",";
} // legendreOnly_Restore class RealWork