I have to run the program given below for my thesis. The source code is in c++ but the optimiztion tool (MOEAFramework) is in java language
I follow the instructions download java, moeaframework and write same things in the linux(Pardus) console again and again but cant run the code and take output
anyone please help?
org.moeaframework.core.spi.ProviderNotFoundException: no provider for at org.moeaframework.core.spi.ProblemFactory.getProblem(ProblemFactory.java: at org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Evaluator.run(Evaluator.java: at org.moeaframework.util.CommandLineUtility.start(CommandLineUtility.java: at org.moeaframework.analysis.sensitivity.Evaluator.main(Evaluator.java:320)
It does look like the MOEAFramework is a program that executes other (binary) programs. It seems more a "search" or "solve" than "optimize". The other program(s) implement function[/i(s)]. Lets say that we have a (mathematical) function [i]f(x). The MOEA evaluates f with different values of x, until it finds a value of x that gives f(x) a desired value (e.g. minima, whatever it is).
How to use a java program and how to debug a java problem are not C++ programming tasks.