I am attempting to write a length of code to disply several playing cards side by side AFTER the previous one has already been output. This is using a combination of the ANSI escape codes to shift the cursor up( /0x1b[nA, where n is the number of lines) and over( /0x1b[nC, where n is the number of spaces).
The trouble I am having is inputting a dynamic n value for bumping the cursor over. For example if i wanted to shift it over 3 spaces, n would be '3' or 51. and I do not know of a way of adding another '3' after the value of n reaches into the double digits. n = "10" = '1','0' = 49,48.
I would gladly attempt to learn that library if someone could point me to a good tutorial, I've been searching for one but I haven't been able to find one that touches on what I'm trying to do.