Ubuntu terminal. Help!

hello there guys,
1) cd ~ && mkdir Ergasies && mkdir Askiseis && mkdir Other && mkdir Other/video && mkdir other/pictures && ls && ls other
2) cat > courses.txt << EOF;
   Programming I;
   Programming II;
   Data Structures;
   Data Mining;
   EOF; cat courses.txt
3) echo -e "Microeconomics\nMacroeconomics\nManagement\nMarketing" > Askiseis/courses_erg.txt && cat Askiseis/courses_erg.txt
4) cat courses.txt >> Ergasies/both.txt && cat Askiseis/courses_erg.txt >> Ergasies/both.txt && cat Ergasies/both.txt
5) mkdir Askiseis/temp
6) cat ~/* >> Askiseis/temp/tree.not && cat ~/*/* >> Askiseis/temp/tree.not && cat ~/*/*/* >> Askiseis/temp/tree.not && cat Askiseis/temp/tree.not
7) cat ~/Ergasies/both.txt | sort > sorted.lst && cat sorted.lst
8) mv Askiseis/temp/tree.not other/pictures
9) chmod 0600 other/pictures/tree.not && stat other/pictures/tree.not | grep Access
10) rm -R Askiseis/temp
11) cp sorted.lst other
12) cat sorted.lst | grep ing
13) chmod 644 *.txt && chmod 644 */*.txt && chmod 644 */*/*.txt
14) mkdir other/backup
15) cp -R ~ other/backup

I would like to know if all those commands work because i cant access an ubuntu operating system and i have to give those commands to my professor before the end of this year.
Can someone tell me if i did any mistake or if something is wrong?
Thank you for your time. I would appreciated it.
Use the man pages.

Want to know what mkdir does? Type man mkdir

What to know what cat does? Type man cat

And so on ...
Pedantically, those are not "Ubuntu terminal" questions. They are questions about shell (most likely bash) and some ubiquitous utilities: mkdir, ls, cat, echo, sort, mv, chmod, rm, cp. It is actually possible to install and use all of them to most operating systems, including various Windows.

Luckily, their man-pages are online too.
Number 1 will not work completely as written because Unix-based operating systems are case-sensitive; Other and other will be seen as two different directories. Check your instructions carefully. && will execute the next instruction only if the previous one succeeded.
Even more pedantically, these are not C++ questions.

Where there is a will, there is a terminal.
Thanks for the link.
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