Lounge - September 2024

by Ganado
New account creation is still broken (1,2)
I remember somebody mentioned a while back that new account creation is broken, but I can't find the post*. I tried to make an account just as a test, and the ...
[35 replies] Last: **Boot!** (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Ch1156
C++ Concept Visualizations
So I've been thinking of something and i thought it would be helpful to be able to see how things work in C++ instead of trying to visualize them yourself, its ...
[9 replies] Last: I will see if i can figure out how to make these more digestible while... (by Ch1156)
Hmmmmmm.....dynamic polymorphism library
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/announcing-the-proxy-3-library-for-dynamic-polymorphism/ I saw this as an item in the VS 2022 news feed, any comments ...
[no replies]
  Archived months: [aug2024] [oct2024]

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