Lounge - October 2014 (Page 2)

by plexus
Software by Scott Meyers
Does anyone know where to find some or at least one bigger program written by Scott Meyers. Since he is probably one of the biggest C++ guys out there, I'd rea...
[2 replies] Last: I suspected that most of the sourcecode is not available to the public... (by plexus)
by LB
main is not a function (1,2)
When this program is compiled, how many functions will there be? void f(){} int g(); int main() { } int g() { return 0; } If my understanding ...
[21 replies] Last: It's called, passed parameters, has a call stack, and returns to the c... (by htirwin)
How much maths do I need for C++?
As the heading states, what are the crucial maths concepts I have to learn and perfect if I want to go into Video Game Programming. I'm above average in Maths f...
[16 replies] Last: Ah, I didn't realize were were talking powers of 2. (by LB)
How to become a Game developer?
How to become a game developer? What degrees should i have, what courses should i take up and what subjects should i focus upon?
[7 replies] Last: Thanks, I think I have all my questions answered (by thehitmanranjan)
Next Generation if statements?
I was chatting with this user Eelis (in case you aren't familiar with his work: http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2014/n4127.html ) and he showed m...
[2 replies] Last: This is nice, I like to declare variables inside the conditional but i... (by LB)
which is better BA or BS in computer science?
which is better BA or BS in computer science?. I love maths, not Physics and chemistry. In BS i have to study these subjects but not in BA, Sould i choose bA.i ...
[4 replies] Last: Depends entirely on what field you get into. (by ResidentBiscuit)
SPARC Assembly
Anyone know much about assembly code? I need to write a program to do this: main () { int c , a; for (a=0; a<5; a++) { if (a==0) { c = 3; } else if (a...
[1 reply] : .begin .org 2048 ! for (a=0; a<5; main: ld , %r2 ! load a into regis... (by ccwtree11)
Help me bring my C++ quiz to life by submitting your own question! More info inside!
Hello! I'm visiting different C++ communities for the purpose of gathering questions for my C++ web quiz. The reason i'm doing this is to make the quiz more in...
[2 replies] Last: You don't have to provide a twitter account, but if you do it will be ... (by gouartzo)
by poteto
Bugs with the "C++ Shell"
I'm just gonna start off with a bug that I found, but could not recreate. -I was messing around with chrono -To simulate a delay, I just made a big 1mill lo...
[18 replies] Last: I've added Coliru support for my Chrome extension: https://github.com/... (by S G H)
by LB
Buoyancy (1,2)
From what I understand, balloons float because the helium gas inside of them is less dense than the normal air outside of them, and the buoyancy force is enough...
[20 replies] Last: @ Duoas : That is an excellent site! It's what re-launched my inter... (by Computergeek01)
Refactoring Tools: Quality and Acceptance
Hello there, I have worked with many programming languages and many IDEs on quite large projects (between 100kloc and 2.000kloc). I came to the conclusion t...
[no replies]
Fitting MS Visual Studio 2013 OnA DVD
Hi, I have not visited in a long time, so you probably do not remember me, but I need help. I want to install Visual Studio 2013 For Desktop onto a 4.7 Gigabyte...
[5 replies] Last: Hate to discourage you but what you want to do is close to impossible;... (by tmason)
Under 200 USD PC Build, any suggestions?
I was thinking: Pcpartpicker.com/p/vgbxVn EDIT: I already have a monitor, hdmi cable, keyboard, and mouse. I plan on using ubuntu through a USB at first, an...
[6 replies] Last: The main things you need to look at for compatibility is the socket t... (by ezchgg)
Discuss: Code copyright and legal issues (1,2,3,4)
I haven't been able to sleep tonight so I've been pondering and doing a little reading. Something I have never wondered about or read into was code copyright...
[63 replies] Last: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbZCECvoaTA (by LB)
Visual studio 2012 express custom templates problem
Hi. I'm trying to create a custom template for Visual Studio for an Ogre3D application. So, I basically created an Ogre project, modified all the necessary se...
[no replies]
by Disch
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel -- an honest review
So Borderlands 3 (aka, "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel) came out today. Bought it and gave it a go. Here's my take after putting in ~8 hours of gameplay: Let ...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=NoXzema]I haven't played through the entire game though so mayb... (by Disch)
What windows version to install on x86-64 computer?
I just found out (after about 7 years) that my PC is actually a x86-64 architecture, instead of a x86 processor (AMD Sempron(tm) Processor LE-1250@2.20GHz, 2GB ...
[3 replies] Last: With PAE, you can use even more than 4 on 32 bit system. Consider upgr... (by MiiNiPaa)
O(1) for insertion onto a Linkedlist
I have seen that it is stated a lot of places that Time complexity for insertion for an linked list is constant which doesn't make sense to me. I would say ...
[11 replies] Last: std::list<> has two properties which makes it a requisite in some co... (by JLBorges)
Just started learning c++!
Hi everyone! I am Cameron :) - I currently code mainly Java, BukkitAPI, MySQL. And quite a bit of HTML, CSS. I also do coding lessons. - As of today, I ha...
[9 replies] Last: Orwell isn't exactly too up-to-date either. July of this year was the... (by giblit)
Transition to Linux (1,2)
I'm deciding on moving away from Windows to Linux. I have CentOS full on a disk so that's probably what I will choose but I am open to suggestions. I know CentO...
[30 replies] Last: 1) Windows doesn't have a solution for versioned libraries. Linux doe... (by Computergeek01)
October 2014 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [sep2014] [nov2014]

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