Lounge - November 2016

Age in IT.
What is the aversge age of programmers in IT companies you work (or worked) at? I saw lots of sites that say that average age is 25 or 28. But I want to hear th...
[2 replies] Last: Can't speak for entire companies, but team by team I think it's a func... (by Cubbi)
Check this out!
Try running this. Either by pressing gear icon at top right of code box or using your own compiler. I kind of made this by accident. #include <iostream> #i...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=shadder]and interesting too... True. I still haven't figured o... (by boost lexical cast)
alert emails
Hello everyone! Sorry for the following question, if there's already a sufficient answer somewhere else please tell me so. Now, if I post a question I'd ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by alextmfk)
Microsoft will release Visual Studio for the Mac
[6 replies] Last: @Thomas1965, interesting link, nice to see MS is finally recognizing ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
How to find memory leaks?
Hello guys, I would first like to thank all of you for helping me out in my coding journey, thank you for helping a fellow Icelandic programmer, this is a great...
[8 replies] Last: I use Visual Studio 2013 community and the debugger reports detected m... (by vin)
Looking to the future
As advised before will post it here.. Hello everyone, I am a 20 years old freshman student in the IT Engineering course. I was wandering through life doing a...
[1 reply] : over the top make a business out of a sports app which requires ... (by shadder)
by nu123
best way to get to undserstanding c programing
hello there. I'm doing c programing in school and I just cant get my head around how to write a program, I understand some steps, but I really just cant underst...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the advise ill give a look on at win source and some youtbe... (by nu123)
which web hosting suitable for my needs?
Hi, i'm looking for a good shared hosting provider for my website with the following details: 1. support ASP.NET 5 a.k.a ASP.NET core 1.0 seems it has bee...
[1 reply] : I haven't tried with Hostforlife.eu. But I'm using Bluehost and is re... (by jimcody)
Advertisement Posts
Someone is creating a ton of accounts and posting random advertisements in various sections of the forum. Any idea who the original person (account) is? T...
[2 replies] Last: There is nothing we can do about spammers other than reporting them. ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
What's an acceptable salary for starting off?
This is 2016 and not the days of the scrap programmer. I am posting this to see various opinions on what you think a fair starting salary would be, at the minim...
[5 replies] Last: I'm sorry but this kind of cracked me up. As has already been said, g... (by Austin J)
How to tell if this is working?
I made a neural net(mind you with no experience at all - complete guesswork, I'm surprised it even starts) So I have made a neural network which is supposed to...
[no replies]
Can anyone write this code as simple as possible?
Description: Create and test a series of simple functions. Notes: Parameters and Arguments are the same thing Sample output Name: Ted Major: Electrical ...
[2 replies] Last: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/202322/ (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by newbmm
How to get google search like this?
http://i.imgur.com/vRNGaYY.png I am making my own site. Although it is indexed on google search but it is boring. I want stuff like I marked on the red box o...
[5 replies] Last: Usually I give my site to anyone... but I don't know why @boost lexica... (by newbmm)
USA Election
Donald Trump 's won the election. What do you think? Edit : I voted for Donald Trump of course.
[6 replies] Last: When I think of Donald Trump... https://goo.gl/iLbfDS (by boost lexical cast)
Calculating values in two different files
So for I have to take values from one file named targets.txt which has 3 rows of values. each row has 6 values in it. I also have a file named candidates.txt. T...
[1 reply] : You can edit your topic and move it to beginner or General C++ program... (by comaHelp)
by kovi
Why does upwork need my photo
Hi all The upwork freelance site requires one to submit a photograph of oneself in order for your account to be activated. When inquiring from them the reas...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for explaining this to me Computergeek01. They should have exp... (by kovi)
by KVin
Can Someone PLASE show me what I am doing wrong with this program
This is the instruction: Utilize a function to covert hours-minutes-seconds to seconds. Prompt the user to enter input in the format described on my example...
[2 replies] Last: A piece of advice: You're much more likely to get people to read your... (by MikeyBoy)
by kbw
"switch" on steroids
I bumped into this, a lot of it is pretty new to me. What do you think? http://blog.robertelder.org/switch-statements-statement-expressions/
[4 replies] Last: What do I think? The article's title sums it up: "How to Get Fired U... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
How to take char and int simultaneously from user
Dear all, hope you are doing good. I am new user of this fancy site c++. actually I am a new learner of c++, I am trying to right codes for an assignment but I ...
[13 replies] Last: it's because you have to take both char and int simultaneously from us... (by JOHN786)
by zablas
Interview with a programmer for a project
Hello! I am a 16 year old boy doing a school project for my psychology subject. The theme is "My dream career. Does it fit me?" and my dream career is programmi...
[1 reply] : Thank You for everyone who sent me a private message. I have my interv... (by zablas)
November 2016 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [oct2016] [dec2016]

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