Lounge - July 2017

by helios
Anyone uses a Ryzen?
I'm thinking of upgrading from my Ivy Bridge i5 to an 1800X, but I'm not sure. First, the upgrade is gonna cost me an arm and a leg. Second, my 3570 still r...
[4 replies] Last: I think the upgrade is a good idea and the difference should be notica... (by Tikeri)
Clean Visual Studio Projects
Nice little tool to clean Visual Studio projects. Ideal if you want to email or upload the project. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/rjacobs/2011/07/24/clean...
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Menu movement with a mouse?
Hello everyone! I'm technically "new" here, but I feel like I'll be staying for a while after seeing how many amazing forum listing there are. I'm an in...
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How To Become A [Web] Programmer And Get A Job
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C++ Buddy
Hello C++ Forum, I am looking for a C++ buddy or buddies. Just a person or people I can talk to about c++ or coding in general or anything if you are open. P...
[13 replies] Last: Hey i' d love to be a part of this! I'd say im late-beginner level, I ... (by NonPlusPlussed)
Is a resistor required between VCC and Data for my temperature sensor?
I'm using a TinyDuino with a Protoboard to measure temperature with a DS18B20(here is the datesheet:http://www.componentschip.com/pdf/6a-DS18B20-T-R.pdf) . I w...
[1 reply] : http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf https://create... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Whats the point of different programming languages? (1,2)
I was randomly going through the day and I wondered why there isn't one universal language that every system runs, for instance people/companies could just expo...
[21 replies] Last: Some people are labeling C as a universal language here. I disagree. I... (by NoXzema)
what happened to cplusplus.com ?
what happened to cplusplus.com ?? last 2 days I couldn't post a topic nor I could see any topic yet everything else besides forum is fine was the forum part ...
[8 replies] Last: It's a caching issue. When you request a page the server sends a tim... (by Peter87)
by Zhuge
Microsoft eBook Giveaway
It seems that Microsoft is giving away eBooks. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mssmallbiz/2017/07/11/largest-free-microsoft-ebook-giveaway-im-giving-away-mi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for this. I don't care about most of the content, but I down... (by mbozzi)
OCD tendencies coming back due to programming?
I used to have severe (as in leading to suicidal thoughts OCD ) for 20 years. Since a few years it's simmered down. But now with all my programming, I notice I ...
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