Be nice

Pages: 1234
// What Albatross said about programmer's being too busy.. I had guessed that was the case, I was hoping that's the case actually! It's interesting that it seems difficult to find a place on the internet where people aren't going programming-crazy, talking about it all the time on a forum or chat because that seems to be the case with a lot of other subjects in the world. As much as I love video games, it's too bad there's these popular constantly-used forums... and yet not many people are really enthusiastic about programming? WHYYy!
Well, there are a few reasons for this.

- programming well is hard, debugging is harder
- sometimes discussions degrade into religious language wars
- some of us would rather be programming than chatting on a board!

...which reminds me, I need to get off this forum and get back to coding - ttyl.
closed account (1yvXoG1T)
Well, programming is a lot different a thing than what many forums or chat rooms are devoted to. You can talk about music, movies, art, (insert media or interest here) all day and night but programming is something that has to be developed. It takes a lot of time and patience (cursed debugging...) where as you can sit in a chat room and watch a movie while chatting about who's going to be in the next X-Men.

I think it also goes back to a bit of a culture thing. Programmers aren't stereotyped as anti-social weirdos for no reason.
I think it also goes back to a bit of a culture thing. Programmers aren't stereotyped as anti-social weirdos for no reason.

Regular people are weird: chit-chat is a waste of time ;^)
I thought I'd add my 6 cents here: Programmers aren't necessarily anti-social. I know a few who have or have had girlfriends at a young (high school) age. To be honest, we can act like normal people quite easily. The difference with us us that we're acting. I don't act like a programmer around most people and therefore am considered (mostly) normal, i do have a few quirks like being french but that's about it. Most people don't know that I program as a hobby and intend to make it my career.
closed account (1yvXoG1T)
I'm with you on that sargon94. I wasn't saying that we're literally anti-social. For example, I've had my share of girlfriends over the years and I'd say that I have a good number of folks I could consider friends. However, as you stated, it's more of an acting thing. I enjoy social gatherings and the such for certain amounts of time but I'm just as comfortable by myself in front of the computer. But I think it's this ability to spend so much time alone and that many of the "founding" programmers, if you will, really didn't do much beyond the screen, that created the image of the anti-social programmer.
I recently found out someone at my job is a programmer and he never struck me as type.
But I think it's this ability to spend so much time alone and that many of the "founding" programmers, if you will, really didn't do much beyond the screen, that created the image of the anti-social programmer.

I think you're right and we're slowly overcoming our stereotypes. I'd like to stress that we aren't normal though. We're the kind of people who look at something and wonder how it works. We see things differently: We see thing in terms of how they work, what they do, and is they're useful. Fortunatly, this doesn't get in the way of our social life like other people may think so it's just a bonus.
Admittedly there are those of us who bury our heads in our computers and that does not help the stereotype. However, I agree that the stereotype is improving.

Not that I'm saying programmers are anti-social, but since when does having a girl/boyfriend consider you to be social?
It does in our case. The programmer stereotype is a guy (sorry, I know girls are too but I'm talking about the stereotype not reality) who has "no life" aka anti-social and no girlfriend (or an ugly one). And gf/bf is and has always been part of social life. Like going to dances etc. The gf/bf relationship is another facet of our stereotype that I was just addressing.
or an ugly one

This is becoming all sorts of offensive.

Definition of social: living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups

So why do you have to have a relationship? You simply have to interact in a positive manner with other people.
@MottMan: Simple. The stereotype is lodged so firmly into some peoples' heads that only a major social event like developing an intimate relationship with a cute girl could possibly break it loose. Assuming you're male.

Others, however, are a bit more open minded. :)

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MottMan wrote:
So why do you have to have a relationship? You simply have to interact in a positive manner with other people.

Guess what... It´s out ancient behaviour regarding reproduction; keeping our species existing for ages...
closed account (1yvXoG1T)
This is becoming all sorts of offensive

I don't think you should be necessarily offended at the conversation. We're merely discussing the stereotype, not the reality. In fact, we were discussing how incorrect the stereotype is.
It´s out ancient behaviour regarding reproduction; keeping our species existing for ages...

That still doesn't have much to do with being social. I didn't say that having relationships aren't important to our species' survival, but that it shouldn't be seen as the central way to be social.


It's not offensive because of the topic, but because that it was implied that having a relationship with a person who is not attractive doesn't count as having a relationship.
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That still doesn't have much to do with being social. I didn't say that having relationships aren't important to our species' survival, but that it shouldn't be seen as the central way to be social.

Sorry if I got you wrong: I think it is not nescessary to be in a close relationship with someone to be social (meaning the social that means being a "nice" person).
But if we are talking about the basic mean of "relationship" (having a relation to s.b. in any way), it is. And You can´t do anything against it. (To all those who say that I am picky: it is awkward to ignore basic facts).

Woah hey, sorry. I didn't want to start a knife fight. I was remarking that when people make fun of us they generally say that we're anti-social and without gf/bf. By the way, I wasn't trying to be sexist above, I know that girls can be programmers (I think Albatross is one?) and I was saying the stereotype is male only (reason unknown). Neurotrace is right: I was just saying how wrong the stereotype is. I wasn't trying to be offensive in any way and I'm sorry if that's how it came across. It was not my intent. And I do believe that part of being social nowadays is having (or trying to have) a relationship with the opposite sex. Now, I'm 16 and in High School which could make my worldview somewhat different than some of you but that's how I (and most teenagers) see things.
But if we are talking about the basic mean of "relationship" (having a relation to s.b. in any way), it is. And You can´t do anything against it. (To all those who say that I am picky: it is awkward to ignore basic facts).


And yes, I was referring to being social not being in a relationship. Of course you need a girl/boyfriend to be in a relationship.


Now, I'm 16 and in High School which could make my worldview somewhat different than some of you but that's how I (and most teenagers) see things.

The world view of teenagers is washed over with, what I like to call, Disney propaganda. The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and all the rest of those teen idols and sensations (music, television, and outside of Disney included) are the driving force on how teenagers act. Even males, who are determined to admit their hatred for those subjects are still effected by them because that's what the opposite sex likes. I'm 16 as well but I am somewhat ashamed of my age group because we are stapled (and for good reason) as illogical sponges that go around each day getting under the influence of substances without thinking of the consequences, listening to either hardcore rap or Disney music, and not caring about the next step we take unless it involves something that requires no thought and makes us feel good....was that a rant?
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Of course you need a girl/boyfriend to be in a relationship.

Not... You got a relationship to your parents... You have an relationship to teachers... to personst You meet, and so on... Didn´t You learn anything from your' Latin-course?:P (not meant to be harrassing^^)
Generally one does not consider themselves in a relationship with their parents, they have a relationship with them. However it doesn't matter.

Wasn't the subject of this discussion how
a majority of all programmers are completely stuck up

I'm pretty sure we're just furthering this general idea...
Pages: 1234