Do this you will become millionaire not even kidding...

Pages: 12
Aug 12, 2022 at 10:46pm

I have ADHD I searched over 100 programs for task management and all missing one or more core features (which are logical and if you already make program for this purpose it is absurd you wouldn't include them)... In other words they all suck...

Only thing which isn't retarded I found is todoist, it cost 4$ monthly as subscription. Assuming there won't be better alternative which you can buy (and most programs rely on this to making it web service for subscription so user keeps paying for simple program for task management LOL)...

Even if I bought program which cost 50$ (which should cost like 15-20$) that's already 2 times cheaper than paying 2 years subscription service...

Now if you include these core features:
- set recurring tasks
- spawn tasks at custom position in a list and to group them
- lists something like trello (which is most comfortable)
- calendar like overview of completed tasks
- custom reminders (specific date/time) length of sound
- desktop notifications (which can be set to background/foreground)
- custom snooze to repeat x times after y minutes

Additional ideas:
- custom hotkeys, also everything should be doable by hotkeys
- (optional option) to disable sound within foreground application
- rewards (combined all above with something like habitica) and make it so you can invite there your friends. Or even code a game into it...
- add support for Android and IOS besides Windows
- support for addons mb. or maintaining program for additional features user can vote on forums

And you will become millionaire if you sell this even for like 30$. Also assuming it has intelligent/practical UI and isn't bugged and doesn't suck ass... If you have money to pay for ads, or you can spam forums... Well maybe not in $, but I seriously think if you made this people would get it rather than idiotic subcriptions which try to charge per additional tasks... And this you could own forever, so why would anyone subscribe, if you can own better program for lower price...

If you don't believe me just look at program like Microsoft-to-do...

Wait except one it is called infinity and it cost 100$ but it is meant for teams mostly
. No shit someone would come with overpriced program which you cab buy permanently (just look at the bottom how much you can save yearly) if task management programs are for subscription, while missing core features... If someone come for program for users even for 30$ it would have to be profitable if not more... Because there isn't literally single one...
Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 12:34pm
Aug 12, 2022 at 11:55pm
- add support for Android and IOS besides Windows
- support for addons mb. or maintaining program for additional features user can vote on forums
These are also core features? The first one easily triples the development cost, and the second one multiplies it further by 1.5 or 2. I suppose the mobile and desktop applications should also share the task list, so that means user accounts and data, so more development cost and now server and maintenance costs on top. I'm not surprised incumbents charge subscription fees.
Aug 13, 2022 at 12:46am
Google calendar/reminder is browser driven, free, and does all the stuff in the list that makes sense (eg, its not having a game in the middle of it, but no one is going to do that) or length of sound thing.
But its a lot of re-creating the wheel to get the little things not in this or other packages like the custom snooze and sound asks.

However, there may be a program like this that you can do plug-ins for? Not sure on the mobile side, but like outlook/ M$ tools typically have a place for that.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 12:48am
Aug 13, 2022 at 5:28am
Have to agree with Helios.

It sounded like an easy program until the last two requirements. Especially if you want the mobile and desktop apps to link together, that will incur server costs and will go beyond what a hobby programmer would reasonably do in his own time without good reason.

I created a hobby website - but I'd never want it to become popular. Imagine my poor home internet and Raspberry Pi Zero...

The rest is something that could be done probably in a week or two by someone who knows what they're doing. It would take me about a month, two weeks perhaps if I obsessed over it.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 5:29am
Aug 13, 2022 at 12:28pm
These are also core features? The first one easily triples the development cost, and the second one multiplies it further by 1.5 or 2. I suppose the mobile and desktop applications should also share the task list, so that means user accounts and data, so more development cost and now server and maintenance costs on top. I'm not surprised incumbents charge subscription fees.

No my mistake, I wrote couple ideas afterwards... Yeah if you do these core features even solely for Windows, I bet you could sell it for 15-30$ (whatever you want basically) and make money easily... For task syncing, couldn't simply it sync from desktop over internet and be stored in phone local memory? It would take couple KB... Maybe if you are like home with wifi it autosync, or if it could connect to your desktop from phone over internet? Or like website when it exports couple lines of text and your phone synces it periodically, which would basically a server, but how much it would cost couple KB and then it would delete... Because it would be intelligent and only core features, so it would be only couple KBs...

Google calendar/reminder is browser driven, free, and does all the stuff in the list that makes sense

What it doesn't at all! Like custom snooze? I tried it and it is bad in multiple ways!

Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 12:30pm
Aug 13, 2022 at 8:56pm
Would you be my first customer?

Cringy Kickstarter time?
Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 8:57pm
Aug 13, 2022 at 9:28pm
Wait you want to really do that or are you joking?

I need only for desktop, as I Am home anyways.

But even if you wanted to do that on phone, what if user links like google drive so phone can sync it from that? But again even on desktop, it would be a success I think, because all apps out there are missing core features and are overpriced subscription services... Or he could have it all on phone, who needs desktop for that if he has phone anyways...
Last edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 9:29pm
Aug 13, 2022 at 10:22pm
I mean, it doesn't sound like a particularly difficult program to create. I don't think I'd even ask for money if I made it.

The difficulty only comes in once you want a mobile app as well and/or synchronization between apps.

Once the app has to connect to the internet and do complicated stuff like that, the learning curve for anyone who doesn't do that commonly would be painful.
Aug 17, 2022 at 5:21pm
Still even of value of program simply on desktop as I said would be at least 15-30$... Because there is literally nothing... And even synchronization can't be that bad of couple tasks right?
Last edited on Aug 17, 2022 at 5:21pm
Aug 17, 2022 at 8:19pm
And even synchronization can't be that bad of couple tasks right?

Synchronization at all will require a server-like entity for the apps to connect to. This server will store your information so the apps can retrieve it and be synced.

It's not an issue with a small number of people. My Raspberry Pi Zero would suffice. But once you had, maybe, more than 100 people trying to sync, I'd have to use a better computer that could handle the amount of requests. Then when that one gets overwhelmed, I'd need an even more powerful computer.

And that's just if you want synchronization between Desktop apps, if you wanted the app on your phone as well, that would be a learning curve as I've never coded for a phone before.
Aug 18, 2022 at 11:08am
Well again who needs sync to phone, even app like that on desktop only would be invaluable! That was my first point! I don't know if we are talking in general now, or me personally. I would need only desktop app for my needs...

Secondly: why can't user sync every time he is at his home over wifi automatically. Or like from google drive, if app could read some line of data... Can't an app get access to google drive? Or if you create file sync between desktop-drive/phone-drive? All user would have to do is create sync between google drive. Or something like that? Who needs server for something that basics like sync couple tasks in a list.

Also how much would cost a server for thousand of people, if it would keep only minimum and after sync it would delete previous version? How many request that would be? If it is just couple KB of data? But in terms of amounts of connections to a server, i don't know how powerful it needs to be.

Also it would be only core features, that would be point, no redundant nonsense...

Also thing is if one has a phone, he can have it only on phone, why would you need desktop then for this sort of thing, if you already own a phone?
Last edited on Aug 18, 2022 at 11:13am
Aug 18, 2022 at 11:52am
why can't user sync every time he is at his home over wifi automatically.
Because then you need to deal with running a TCP listener on the user's PC and everything that comes with that (firewalls, IP addresses, name resolution, routing, etc.). Technical users won't mind dealing with that, but nobody else.

Can't an app get access to google drive?
That's more doable, but you lose continuous syncing like with a client-server architecture. You only sync at specific moments.

Also how much would cost a server for thousand of people, if it would keep only minimum and after sync it would delete previous version?
I would expect it not to be too burdensome, but for a one-time-charge application, the upkeep is a cost that comes out of the developer's pocket. That aside, the main problem at least initially is not so much the server cost, but the development cost. A client-server architecture is much more complex than a monolithic architecture. Some applications absolutely need that complexity, but it's best avoided if possible.
Aug 18, 2022 at 12:45pm
Also how much would cost a server for thousand of people

Let's assume an average of 10 tasks per person, 10 words per task, 5 letters per word. That's 500 bytes per person.

500 bytes for, let's say, 5000 people would mean 2.5MB. So it wouldn't be that bad containing just the raw lists. You'll also need to store usernames and passwords which would be negligible.

App will have to sync each time it's opened, let's say 5 times a day on average. So you'll have about 12.5MB of outgoing data a day.

So it probably wouldn't be an issue, I suppose my Raspberry Pi and home network wouldn't struggle with such a task. But coding it is still a pain. Also, I don't see much point in syncing if it's just a desktop application. Not many people will have the need to sync between two different computers. The likely scenario is frustration that there's no mobile app.
Aug 19, 2022 at 5:55am
So you want to do it still :D ? I have only Samsung Galaxy S3 tho and don't have even internet there (because I would have to pay additional what I pay for DSL) :D I would prefer for desktop, but I guess - it would be better to program for phone if someone made it, because if you have phone (which is mobile) why would you ever need it on desktop that much...
Last edited on Aug 19, 2022 at 5:57am
Aug 19, 2022 at 11:45am
I mean, it could be a fun side project, but no promises as I am working on other projects.
Aug 19, 2022 at 6:03pm
Would it be on desktop then :D Not sure if i want to buy new phone for 500$ for nothing, and I have little to no use for it... it is so cancer to environment even with increase update periods, 3-4 years is still nothing for hardware on phone. If it was at least 6 and still...
Aug 19, 2022 at 8:30pm
Would it be on desktop then

Yea, then you can roast how bad it is like all the other ones 😔
Aug 23, 2022 at 8:49am
xD I got better idea, weekly overview is still shit, as you have to go back and compare individual tasks how many times you completed them. If the program could show number of completions + (optionally %) of a task per week/month, that would be invaluable! Because I see instantly: I completed this 3/7 only this week so I need to improve that.

But you still need weekly overview too see what you did yesterday, or day before... So I would definitely still have that.
Last edited on Aug 23, 2022 at 9:07am
Aug 23, 2022 at 9:37am
Not difficult at all.

Do you want an anime girl theme? ;) Would naked girls in the background distract you?
Aug 23, 2022 at 11:09am
Well you said core features wasn't difficult. I thought of better way than weekly overview. I don't understand why should it be difficult to simply track task completition rate per week and month. This would make it easier to use like 10 times, imagine you have to scroll back whole week like in Trello (horizontally where you have cards in lists) and cross checking one task across whole week and counting how many times you completed it...

I wouldn't imagine this would be difficult, if it is so, only weekly overview would be better than nothing ofc. This would a help a lot tho. Do as you wish... It is fine.
Last edited on Aug 23, 2022 at 11:10am
Pages: 12