Hello again...

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Imagine not programming in C++

Yeah, it' like not being able to do what you want because of shitty language and library restrictions.

long live the power of C++
The tclsh interpreter is just another language interpreter. You can use it as a shell, but it really isn't designed for that.

As a language it is fairly unique. You should play with it some. http://wiki.tcl.tk
agentmax wrote:
What does all that do?

It is simply running the various shells, they may have different Prompts $ . % ~ etc.

Most of the shells are quite similar, a particular shell will have some superset of features the others don't have.

zsh looks likes it has some useful stuff:


I guess one could look at the wiki pages for the various shells, and see what one likes.
agent max wrote:
How does one get started with Linux?

Linux is a kernel of OS that gives access to (hardware) resources for applications.
Androids have Linux kernel. Mac has some other kernel.

Mac has about same selection of shells and command-line programs that GNU/Linux have.
Windows WSL2 offers selection of shells and command-line programs from some GNU/Linux distros.

There are "Live" installs, operating system and programs installed on CD/USB, so you can boot and run without touching the harddrive of your computer.

However, GNU/Linux is not about CLI. It is an operating system. You can work all day on GUI Desktop with GUI applications (browser, IDE, "office") without seeing CLI, just like OS X or Windows.

Is this direction of discussion what the "Hello again..." did expect?
keskiverto wrote:
Is this direction of discussion what the "Hello again..." did expect?
Past saying hello, I didn't mind where this thread went...it's just normal that all the interesting stuff happens when I'm offline.

agent max wrote:
How does one get started with Linux?
I think I remember you talking about embedded systems in the past? If they are not too expensive get a few Raspberry Pis and a small network switch and setup a small lab to play in...get yourself a book like The Linux Command Line, A Complete Introduction by William Shotts and start playing...you also have some RPs for embedded projects if needed.
Edit: I'm assuming you are talking more of a system admin point of view with 'get started with Linux' rather than just a general user.

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Linux. I want to like it more than I do but my experience of it as a daily desktop have been hindered (possibly by running it on old hardware) and I end up just doing what I need to on a Windows box.
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Duthomhas wrote:
As a language it is fairly unique. You should play with it some. http://wiki.tcl.tk

Thanks! I'll definitely do that– it looks interesting.

keskiverto wrote:
However, GNU/Linux is not about CLI. It is an operating system. You can work all day on GUI Desktop with GUI applications (browser, IDE, "office") without seeing CLI, just like OS X or Windows.

Ah, that makes sense. I thought it was a really basic OS, where you run everything off a command line, like in Wargames. Personally, I kind of like the command line, since when I was growing up (in the early 80's), that was basically all we had, and I kind of got used to using it on my dad's computer.

Grey Wolf wrote:
If they are not too expensive get a few Raspberry Pis and a small network switch and setup a small lab to play in

I actually have one already, running my 3D printer with OctoPrint software. But I'll definitely look into another one, probably a newer model, and maybe I'll get a monitor for it too.

I'm also looking into tcsh which is an improved version of the C shell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_shell

It looks interesting– I think I'll play around with it a bit and see what I can do.
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The closest to TCL I've probably been while creating Environment Modules "modulefiles" for applications http://modules.sourceforge.net/
They use some subset, although there is probably another implementation that uses Lua.
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