Load Beast

Oct 11, 2019 at 11:16am
Hi All, Angi back again, and this time with an app that showcases my companies skills in high performance development.

Anybody looking for a load balancer can try our free version of Load Beast which can be downloaded from:


This is our base case load bqlancer that simply applies round robin routing of data and thus have a very simplified configuration mechanism:

ie. one ini file for configuring number of threads, listening port, etc, and a csv file for configuring the work load servers to balance data to.

The structure of this file is:

svr_name, svr_ip, svr_port


svr_name: is any logical name associated with the server - this doesn't need to be the actual servername but any unique name.

svr_ip: is the ip address of the server or could be the actual server name as recognized on the network.

svr_port: is the port this server's app / website is listening on.

So basically if you can list your work load servers by IP and Port then you should be able to easily configure Load Beast to work with them.

Despite any single instance of Load Beast being capable of handling very huge loads you can increase the load capacity insurmountably by daisy chaining multiple instances of Load Beast together very easily.

This is currently available for both windows and linux so would like feedback from linux users like Albatross as well
Last edited on Oct 12, 2019 at 4:53pm
Oct 13, 2019 at 12:40pm
Was my post reported and if so by who and why?
Oct 13, 2019 at 5:06pm
Your top post was not. the second one yes. It does not say why or who to normal users, site admin can probably see it.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You haven't been contributing or doing much if you haven't had a couple of posts reported. Spammer accounts seem to be eliminated but normal users with the occasional report are not punished and it does not affect anything. I get reported once a week for telling ppl to do their own homework.

Your top post is on topic but may be seen as some as spam. There is a fine line between showing off something you did or offering a library you made and spam. If your tools are not free, putting them here may be seen as an attempt to get free advertising, which is a no-no. I didn't click it, can't follow links due to security, so I can't comment on what you actually put up.
Last edited on Oct 13, 2019 at 5:08pm
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:51pm
What is a "load server"?
How does your product compare to all the other load balancers on the market?

What is "high performance development"?

"daisy chaining multiple instances"
Are you serious?
Oct 14, 2019 at 1:17am
The post was reported, not by me, because of the combination of the user’s past actions and the recurring content of the post.

I do not know how it became un-reported, but I just re-reported it.
Not that it matters...

Cplusplus.com is not a place to advertise your professional products.
If you want that, buy add space from AdChoices.

Cplusplus.com is not a place to get praise for your professional products.

Or to debate their merit and usability.

The problem is that this post demonstrates that you have not learned anything from past experience. Your behavior is inappropriate and unwanted.

Go away.
Oct 14, 2019 at 1:30am
Duthomhas wrote:
I do not know how it became un-reported, but I just re-reported it.

From what I've seen/noticed:

Initial posts with no replies can be reported, and the report sticks.

As soon as a reply is made the report status is cleared. A subsequent report stays until the page is refreshed.

Ang wrote:
Was my post reported and if so by who and why?

Itching to start another fight? You didn't exactly do yourself or your company any favors from the last one, and so far you show you didn't learn a thing from it.

If I say I reported you....IF......what of it? You have been nothing more than argumentative and abusive.

Expecting as your just due flattering praise and free advertising for software your company wants to sell.

I second: GO AWAY!
Last edited on Oct 14, 2019 at 1:30am
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:37pm

... that you have not learned anything from past experience ... Cplusplus.com is not a place to advertise your professional products ...

I did not come heer for free advertising, instead I came here to inform others who might be interested in a FREE load balancer created by my company.

This is unfortunately not my company's core business [to create and sell load balancer software] so given the fact that we put this version out for free which which would easily cater for 95%+ of individuals out there requirng load balancing such that they wont need to look any further especially not a commercial one.

So we are not putting here in the hope that someone will purchase licenses for our commercial versions but instead to provide others with this abilitiy which they peronally might find useful for themselves.
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:37pm
What is a "load server"?

This is the terminology we use to refer to a server to which the load balancer balances traffic for.

For eg. If cplusplus.com puts it's web server to run on 3 servers then those 3 servers are load servers or work load servers.
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:38pm
what is high performance development

Most of my developers and individual they collaborate with works or has worked in environments where high performance was top prioririty. The Kahless_9 framework comes out of
the work from some of these environments, however there are many items not put into the version of Kahless_9 released to the public via ShanKoDev due to it not having a valid requirement for normal processing environmnets.
For exmple, the QSort method associated with Kahless's sorted linked list has an associated MQSort method that applies a multi-threaded quick sort. This multi-threaded quick sort only makes sense to call on architectures much larger than what typically is used by normal users or industry. (It might make sense under certain limited conditions for normal processing parameters).

We however will provide such development services if required to do so as we have access to those components as just pointed out so also when creating apps like this load balancer end up applying techniques guided by experience in such cases.
This is what we mean when we refer to high perfromance development and by no means am I claiming that my developers are the only one's operating in this space, it just that this is not the norm for all to operate in. Testing conditions are prone to vary from one environment to another which would make figures we display from various tests not as well understood as if you actually tried this load balancer in place where you currently have/test others and see for yourself.
This site could try it out and would absolutely not need to change a thing on it if going even to https or some new protocol.
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:38pm
How does your product compare to all the other load balancers on the market?

It is difficult to comapare as one would sometimes say like comparing apples to orranges.
Our free one is limited w.r.t. modules that allow for advanced routing rules ... but figure that what we are offering for free is catering for a very large percentage of peoples curr.ent needs.
One of our collaborators wanted to distribute a system he created by distributing the network load to various installations ... to cut a long story short he found issues with the free load balancers out there.
Either he found the throughput on some too low/slow or found the security protocols like htts hampering with others ...
We then provided him with this one and he has been using it successfully since last year.
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:38pm
'daisy chaning multiple instances' Are you serious?

Yes I am very serious. Not sure how easy or possible it is with all other load balancer solution but did have our collaborator report on some issue when trying out some of the others.

Oct 15, 2019 at 6:39pm
@Furry Guy:
itching to start another fight?

You must be reading far deeper into my comment than what is written which implies you are sharing/enacting upon your own deep thoughts which has got nothing to do with me, so please get your own feelings under control.

Oct 15, 2019 at 6:40pm
@Furry Guy
If I say I reported you....IF......what of it?

Nothing about it, but just to explain it in a South African way: "Ek wil net weet wie is die droll in die drink water en nou weet ek dis jy"

Translated to English (although it does lose some inner meaning ...) "I just wanted to know who is the turd in the drinking water and now I know its you".

As said, nothing really of it, just wish this site had a flush button available for original poster so that turds like yourself and Duthomhas could be flushed out of it.

ie. You two are like two turds in a pot!
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:40pm
@Furry Guy & Duthomhas:

In the "good old days" there were people who wanted to control what others saw on the television.

Thankfully there were created many more channels / tv stations since then with the advent of the remote control.

So you know what I tell such people - Change the channel if you don't like it no one is forcing you to watch this.

This is my thread so you two GO AWAY if you cannot contribute anything worthwhile on topic.
Oct 15, 2019 at 6:57pm
Suit yourself, SPAMMER.

Keep showing you are a major ASSHOLE, how poorly that reflects on her AND her company.

The only TURD here is YOU, dumbass.
Oct 15, 2019 at 7:20pm
I did ask you, Angst, if you were itching for another fight, and you proved that beyond ANY doubt.
Oct 16, 2019 at 6:42am
@Furry Guy
Do you really think that there is actually something worth fighting for?

When using terms like "ie. You two are like two turds in a pot!" you are considered a troll, don't you think so?
If you want to promote something, I don't think that this is the way to go...
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