Hi All, Angi back again, and this time with an app that showcases my companies skills in high performance development.
Anybody looking for a load balancer can try our free version of Load Beast which can be downloaded from:
This is our base case load bqlancer that simply applies round robin routing of data and thus have a very simplified configuration mechanism:
ie. one ini file for configuring number of threads, listening port, etc, and a csv file for configuring the work load servers to balance data to.
The structure of this file is:
svr_name, svr_ip, svr_port
svr_name: is any logical name associated with the server - this doesn't need to be the actual servername but any unique name.
svr_ip: is the ip address of the server or could be the actual server name as recognized on the network.
svr_port: is the port this server's app / website is listening on.
So basically if you can list your work load servers by IP and Port then you should be able to easily configure Load Beast to work with them.
Despite any single instance of Load Beast being capable of handling very huge loads you can increase the load capacity insurmountably by daisy chaining multiple instances of Load Beast together very easily.
This is currently available for both windows and linux so would like feedback from linux users like Albatross as well