Favorite games

Pages: 1234
GC2 was kinda cool, but it wasn't that fun without multiplayer IMO...also it takes WAYYY too long to load on my comp (it barely meets the minimum reqs though XP)
@m4ster r0shi,
Me too =]
STOP. You have violated the law. Pay your court fine or go to prison. Your stolen goods are now forfeit, criminal scum.
how many of those who posted really bought the games after playing a demo?
I buy most of the games I play, because most of them are available only on Steam so you can't really pirate them anyway.
m4ster r0shi wrote:
The first thing I googled was: Galactic Civilizations 2 review
The second thing I googled was: Galactic Civilizations 2 torrent
chrisname wrote:
@m4ster r0shi,
Me too =]
STOP. You have violated the law. Pay your court fine or go to prison. Your stolen goods are now forfeit, criminal scum.

but it wasn't that fun without multiplayer IMO

Well it was either no multi or remove features.

I personally love the AI and think they play at the skill a human possesses on the difficulty where the AI doesn't "cheat" or "get cheated" (Intelligent, I think?).

I've actually had times where I massed troop transports around a planet and they declared war on me. They said: "You seem to have mistaken us for a primitive game. Massing transports around our capital? We won't allow that."

Or something to that effect.
Good AI? As in, enemies don't stare at you for three seconds before shooting? YEAH!
Turn-based, not FPS/RTS

What I meant was that the AI's strategy is as adaptable as a human's at it's mid-point, and is much better than that at it's most powerful.
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Turn based games are fine.
The AI in GC2 really is excellent. Something that bothers me a bit, though, is the weapon system, as it's really a rock-paper-scissors game in disguise.

I also kind of wish defenses whittled away as they were attacked, then came back after repairs, allowing a bunch of tiny ships to completely own a huge ship under the right circumstances.
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Anything by Valve. Love that company.
@m4ster r0shi:
Lightbot 2.0 was fun, but it was quite easy up until the last half of the expert levels.

I haven't played the original yet.

Also did anyone notice
far cry

That's a game! :)
Valve rocks. I think Far Cry/2 (along with the first Halo) was one of the only FPSs I actually played most of the way through.
Yeah; Steam can be annoying but it's better than all the clones that came out after it (*cough*Games for Windows Live*cough*).

But Valve's games are some of the best -- I've yet to find one that wasn't fun. But strangely, they don't have that big of a fanbase. Having said that, those fans that they do have, have a tendency to buy all of their games.
Call Of Duty 2 (PC)
Call Of Duty 1 (PC)
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare (PC)
Mario Kart (N64)
Ok, who's gonna buy Starcraft II original when it is released? Raise your hands!

\(^_^)/ (<- that's me)
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Waiting for the Protoss Campaign here...
Pages: 1234