quitting smoking

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Then we'll be fine.
Ok when I return I promise I won't be a parasite.

You made an alt account after being banned, this explains everything ...

On a side not I am learning Java so I should be able to do ... Java stuff, and should look good on my resume :-). (T.T now my face has a pimple)
I forgot to say thanks, and I was wrong so I appologize.
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I thought void and NULL where the same similiar?

void worldCheck(){
     if(DrChill.pie == NULL){

they're nothing alike. void is a datatype, NULL is a macro.

C: #define NULL ((void*)0)
C++: #define NULL 0

At any rate, I was talking about this Null: http://cplusplus.com/member/Null
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Don't be.
Wow, I came back to this thread after just a short time and I am dismayed how brutal the anti-religionists are against some stupid kid.

What is wrong with you people!?

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and for anyone to get up and tell me I am not a Christian or that I belong to a cult-wannabe is hubris. You don't know squat about my religion except for the bald-faced lies you blindly repeat.

I think it is more instructive to see your angry bigotry than it is for some silly young kid to quote his scriptures online.

After this post I am going to PM twicker and ask that we do as BlenderArtists did and ban religious conversations. All it does is bring the worst out in people who feel some superiority in attacking others' faiths. No one I am aware of has attacked your religion of anti-theism.

Good grief.
Hey; I tried to keep it civil... and me and he maked up.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
chrisname wrote:
Subtract the i... that's what I think of this "Moroni."

Is this what you call trying to keep it civil?

closed account (z05DSL3A)
Duoas wrote:
After this post I am going to PM twicker and ask that we do as BlenderArtists did and ban religious conversations. All it does is bring the worst out in people who feel some superiority in attacking others' faiths. No one I am aware of has attacked your religion of anti-theism.

I don't believe in banning the discussion of emotive topics, there have been some interesting discussions about religion. Yes there has been some 'attacking' going on and it is this that should be stamped out. I value freedom of speech and the talk of censorship saddens me.
there have been some interesting discussions about religion
There have?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I, for the most part, have found them interesting but I am also not just talking about this site.
there have been some interesting discussions about religion
There have?

I tend to find it interesting whenever anybody gets upset about something somebody else says. That tends to happen most often in religious and political 'discussions', but it can certainly occur in virtually any discussion.
Wow, I came back to this thread after just a short time and I am dismayed how brutal the anti-religionists are against some stupid kid.

What is wrong with you people!?

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and for anyone to get up and tell me I am not a Christian or that I belong to a cult-wannabe is hubris. You don't know squat about my religion except for the bald-faced lies you blindly repeat.

uuhh.. Aren't you doing the same thing now? And that's a huge assumption that no one knows squat about the religion.

After this post I am going to PM twicker and ask that we do as BlenderArtists did and ban religious conversations. All it does is bring the worst out in people who feel some superiority in attacking others' faiths. No one I am aware of has attacked your religion of anti-theism.

I don't understand why the moment someone is offended or inconvenienced by someones words they attempt to revoke freedom of speech. You don't see me PMing twicker and there have been plenty of times that I've been bothered by something someone said.

I disagree with banning ANY topic unless it involves Portuguese University students. There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate. The problems occur when someone attempts to FORCE their views on everyone else. In this particular instance foobarbaz began evangelizing which set everyone off. I am a Christian but you don't see me posting scripture or trying to convert others.

Furthermore, foobarbaz was deliberately opening new threads about every contraversal topic he could think of. Honestly he was asking for someone to rip him a new one.

I don't think the solution is banning or setting up moderators. In the past 5 months this forum has been in decline for various reasons but I think it's because of specific members, not necessary the topics at hand and I don't necessarily think those members should be banned either... I don't know what the solution is.

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Is this what you call trying to keep it civil?

OK, that was a one-off this thread. I also said "I'm beginning to like you less and less" and I suppose that's uncivil, but other than that, I managed my temper (in this thread, at least). I would like to reiterate the fact that we forgave eachother.

To be honest, I don't think anyone knows what the solution is. Moderators and banning and what-not have been suggested, but those won't work. I'd also like to mention that if people leave in droves, the problem will get worse.
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