I'm having a particular issue when coding and the irony is about to unfold. The issue I have is when to ask for help. The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm taking my first programming course in college and have been told to do my own work. Obviously I am but I feel like if I ask for help or try to find "solutions" to a problem I'm having I feel like I'm cheating and am not going to learn anything or develop as a coder; or be able
To deal with problems in the future on the fly.... I guess my question is, is this feeling normal when first starting, or should you avoid looking for solutions for homework problems and asking for help? Thank you in advance for the assistance.
> should you avoid looking for solutions for homework problems and asking for help?
You learning would be most effective when you actively seek information, when you study code written by others. Learn by seeing how other programmers solve problems, by listening to what they have to say. Then, try to write the program on your own, so that the code is your code, not some one else's (this is important).
Lol didn't see the forum rules for lounge last thing I want to do is cause a problem. But yeah it's an issue I'm having especially since we started arrays and array manipulation. It never had to ask for help up until this assignment; it's the first time I ever had to ask for help from a professor. I just don't want to be in a position where I run into something I can't figure out and dash for a solution and be unable
Solve it on my own that's my biggest concern especially being new at this if that makes sense.
Firstly, don't listen to WheatFieldOnFire because he wastes his time trying to police the site instead of actually helping. The times I've seen him help it shows he doesn't understand the language any better than those he attempts to help. This was perfectly fine in the forum it was originally in because any replies could spark you asking questions that resulted in source code and sample code being written. This is a beginner question and rightfully suited for the beginner thread based on those two facts.
You should always ask a question if you don't understand something. If you don't understand, or don't know the right terminology it becomes difficult to Google the questions you have. If you ask on a site like this, programmers can give you sample code for you to play with and explain it to you in order to help you grasp the issue that is evading you.
As the saying goes, "There are no dumb questions." That is so true with programming because everyone learns differently and need things explained slightly different than the person beside them. Sites like this and your professor are wonderful resources for finding help with your problem. If you don't want to burden your professor then come here and ask for help.
You can easily do your own work while seeking help the entire time. Everyone has their own style so when someone helps me with an issue I change their code into my preferred method of writing it.
Yeah because someone either goes in behind you with the right information or helps them in PMs to correct your erroneous information.
Please mind your own business.
I'm a veteran programmer warning a beginner to ignore the policing and false advice of a kid with a dictator complex. This is my business. This is also the internet the land of differing views, which you appear to not be able to handle.
Seems like you are trying to police me too.
No, if I was policing you I would restrict you from ever posting or even ban you after all the trolling and annoyances you have caused over absolutely nothing. I could also ban you for throwing a tantrum for being called out on your actions.
@DreadnoughtXIII Don't let this squabbling scare you off. If you ever run into something you are unsure about, by all means ask here and it will be answered as promptly as we can do so.
WheatFieldOnFire > Seems like you are trying to police me too.
Blithely ignore people who try to bully you; they will just go somewhere else once they realise that you don't swallow the bait.
Continue to try to help others in the programming forums to the best of your ability. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. As long as it is public, even if you have made a mistake, someone would be there to correct it, and you too would learn something.