Most people I've seen, myself included, prefer heavy metal or anything similarly loud. I can only guess it's because the music masks other distractions. |
That's a good idea, actually. Sometimes the background noise irritates me, so maybe having some music would help me concentrate.
Grey Wolf: You have some weird taste. |
I have a weird taste in music, too, albeit a lot less so. It ranges from black metal to classical to 1950s <(can't remember what genre is called)> music (e.g. Dean Martin, although not so much any more) to video game music. Also Russian folk music, although that's partially because of how awesome Tetris theme A is...
an HDD makes when it seeks, which is incredibly distracting (after many years, I've associated it with the computer doing a lot of work) |
To top off how annoying that sound is, my one also has a blue LED that flashes on every seek (I thought it was all disk accesses, not just seeks?). I also associate it with the computer working, because when I was alot younger I didn't know any better (i.e. I thought it was just the sound the computer makes when it does something... ignorance is bliss)). Then again, my old hard disk didn't make that sound.
Fortunately, the AC can cover it, but I don't know what I'll do in the winter. |
No-one really here has air conditioning, haha. We just open our windows, it cools down enough.
Speaking of which, my fan makes these aggravating clicking noises, and I am not a hardware person, does anyone know what it might be? |
It could be dust caught in the motor. Dust is probably the #2 killer of computers, with #1 being idiots that open them up and touch them while they're running ("hurr durr, hot-swapping the CPU is totally sa-BZZZZZT!") without grounding themselves. I actually know someone who did that (took the heatsink off and touched the CPU die, as well as attempting to hot-swap memory (and touching the circuit boards while walking around in socks on a fluffy carpet, not being grounded) and ended up short-circuiting his DIMM and overheating his CPU (it started freezing). Idiot.
Another person I know apparently tried to get a PCIE video card into an AGP slot with a hammer because he didn't know why it didn't fit... This is a second-hand story, though, so the guy who told me MIGHT have made it up (I don't think so, because the person who apparently did this is a real arrogant idiot, and it's the kind of thing I can imagine him trying to do.).
One of the best keyboards I have used was an IBM 'clicky' keyboard (Model M, I think). |
Cool; I might have to buy one. Or a dot-matrix printer... but I bet working ones are expensive.