I know everyone dreams about stuff going on in their life. I rarely dream, but last night I had these extremely vivid dreams about programming. It was such a weird feeling.
I could actually feel myself working out the problems in my brain! It was amazing. I kept waking up in the middle of the night, confused because I had the answer to code I was debugging, but the code was all a dream and I had now come up with the solution for no reason. I think at one point I even woke up talking in my sleep about what I was programming.
Do any of you guys have similar experiences? I'm sure everyone has, but I mean to the point where you wake up disappointed that everything you were working so hard on was just an illusion?
When I go to bed pondering a programming problem the same things happens to me!
Last night I was thinking about how I was going to implement the event manager for my battle system without registering the manager, gui, and gui objects on the same event types. Woke up with a pretty intricate solution neatly packaged for my sunday self. Dream me is a real bro.
It would be awfully nice if those changes would just implement themselves... :D
I love when that happens! Except, I typically come up with the perfect solution right before I fall asleep... So I have to get up out of bed to write my idea down, then try to decode what I wrote half asleep the next day.
If only dream me could stream those ideas into real me's code...
I've actually been told I recite numbers and words (most likely variables) in my sleep. I've yet to recollect a dream like that though unfortunately. ;/
I don't think I've ever solved a problem in my sleep though.
I wonder if what you recite in your sleep would make sense (or have a pattern) if someone took the time to watch you sleep, and write everything you said down.
I don't think I've dreamed of programming, but I've definitely had similar experiences.
For example, after studying very hard that night for a math exam (or doing homework), before I woke up I had a fuzzy dream of being haunted and frustrated at not being able to solve some mathematics problem. My brain was probably practicing very difficult example problems to help prepare me for the next day ;)
Also, about talking in sleep: There are smartphone apps that will record what you say in your sleep (it turns on and starts recording if it hears an above-noise-level sound.
The app sounds neat too - I wouldn't be able to use it though since I sleep with the TV on. It would just pick up all of those noises instead (unless the TV is at a low enough volume to be considered just noise. I don't keep it too loud.
I've actually used one of those apps before because I was just curious. I too have the TV on at night and it didn't record the TV. I keep it really quiet though, just enough so it's not dead quiet in the room.
Have you considered the possibility that it was not a dream? Here is how that could work. Your body falls asleep and your subconscious 'astral self' peeled out of your flesh and started coding on your astral computer. In the A.M. you returned to your body and chalked it off as a cool, vivid dream.
Well it is not entirely a waste. Let the dream be your inspiration and maybe you can rebuild it in real life.
Dreams are really cool if you can learn to play around with them. Just last week I had my first lucid dream. Now that is better than any virtual reality machine I tell you!
I actually had a "hippie" phase. Studying dreams was one of the things I was most interested in. I kind of grew out of it, and don't pay much attention to what I dream now unless it's stuff like this - which even then I don't really analyze I just praise it as "cool".
Nothing major really. I was actually trying to astral project myself. Then started having a typical dream that I could not control. All of a sudden things became very vivid and I was floating above my body fully conscious. I was extremely excited thinking I had just projected. So I started to have a look around and things did not seem right. I think they call this a reality check. I new at this moment that I was still dreaming, but fully conscious just the same. By far, this was not a disappointing experience, even if I did not truly project. It did not last long and soon after I woke up again.
I have dreamt of programming some time ago... I remember being able to write some of it down afterwards, I ended up developing it. It was a nice idea too. It was something about script embedding.
@Manga That sounds pretty intense, and very very cool. Keep me updated on the dream stuff, and good luck with it!
@S G H Most of the dreams I've had I can't really tell what I'm working on, it's just random bits of code. Sometimes, it relates to what I'm working on. Other times it's just some crazy beautiful, impossibly efficient code that I forget half of when I wake up.
Though there was one time I had a dream that I was in a "coding contest" to see who could program the end of the world the fastest. I was isolated on a laptop for like 4 months and 50 other people were all working towards the same goal... I never did get to see the end of that dream lol.