I'm still here

i'm on the web every day but i don't want to stick around to long or spider will get me.
Yeah we were getting worried about you.
What is this spider?
internet spiders. The surf they web collecting information and taking it back to the nest. Andrew, I'm afraid you have been caught by the net, no candy can save you now.
But he said spider, not a spider. Spidey?
Helios, Im ashamed to say I missed that; good catch. Was it a typo?

I'm really, really confused by this topic.
the idea of this topic is to get a good laugh. I Think a good laugh improves ones day.But they also say laughter is thebest medicine.
So true, and lets not forget that you can't spell slaughter without laughter.
I swear I know you in real life, wachtn.
So true, and lets not forget that you can't spell slaughter without laughter.

There are numerous ways of spelling slaughter without laughter. My personal favorite is massacre.
PROTIP: "Alternative spelling" and "synonym" are not synonyms.
I'm really, really confused by this topic.
So true, and lets not forget that you can't spell slaughter without laughter.

ROFL I had not thought about that

[quote]I'm really, really confused by this topic.

This is lounge, ergo, you are not expected to understand most of the stuff going on here. ^_^
:O The truth revealed
What is zomg?

I've always pronounced it "zombie god", though I don't know why.
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