General C++ Programming - September 2015 (Page 4)

Creating simple keypresser
Hello guys, I would like to ask if anyone maybe know how to create simple key presser program in Visual Studio, using C# or C++ language. I would need that ...
[5 replies] Last: Check if your game works when using standard Windows On-Screen keyboar... (by MiiNiPaa)
by toast9
Wander Steering Not Working Properly
I'm trying to make my enemies(aka movers) to just wander around the screen. I've been following a tutorial but can't seem to get any where near the same out com...
[no replies]
by R23MJ
Find seed used to gen a value
I have been using C++11's new uniform_int_distribution to generate a pseudo-random number, and I was wondering, assuming I only generated 1 number, would it be ...
[5 replies] Last: > I am needing to do this (possibly) in another instance of the progra... (by JLBorges)
by AldenB
Power operation in calculator... help!
I'm writing this simple calculator program and I'm trying to add a pow() function for user input. The function dealing with power expressions is shown below. Th...
[2 replies] Last: I think this will work just at a glance... I'll try it out, thank you ... (by AldenB)
Xcode vs VS2013 Part1 - Implementation
Hello, I have exactly same code, which ran at both Xcode and VS. While VS doesn't have any problem running this program, Xcode shows three error messages. ...
[5 replies] Last: > I also read a link you provided, but how can I know that current is ... (by JLBorges)
bit operators help
so after few years of programming I decided it's time to learn bitwise operators (lol), but I'm having a troubles understanding why the following code doesn't w...
[1 reply] : The char data type may be either signed or unsigned - the standard d... (by LB)
by Andym
assignment loop/structure help
I can assign the FirstName, LastName & StudentId of a text file to elements in a structure but what I am stuck on is how to loop the program NumberOfGrades time...
[5 replies] Last: I am still having issues assigning parts of the text file to the struc... (by Andym)
void function not reconized
Hi everybody! I'm a student and I just started studying vectors in c++ programming. My problem is that when my computer compile and run the program it seems lik...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Now it works perfectly! And yes, I'll do it :D (by ChiaraItaly)
Non-visibility of protected data members!
Why is this happening?
[8 replies] Last: I'll check them out; thx guys! (by geeloso)
by Sh0es
Reading CSV Data with "cin >>"
I have a program in the works that is supposed to read, store, and display data from a CSV file. I know about the string::getline() method, but I wonder if th...
[1 reply] : Please, look at the example at the bottom of the page: http://en.cppr... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Andym
reading a text file word by word until eof
Please help me understand the theory of this. I need to read each word in a text file (StudentFile is the ofstream object) and assign it to a structure array. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!! (by Andym)
Xcode vs VS2013 Part2 - Main()
This is a main function written with all codes in 'Xcode vs VS2013 Part1.' Xcode shows three same error messages. Line 160 & 171 & 187: /Users/BB/Desktop/mac1/m...
[5 replies] Last: For example, something trivial but not very useful: bool operator!=(... (by helios)
Cannot stop printList while loop
void LinkedList::printList() { cout << "\nEntered printList..." << endl; int count = 0; node * p = head; node * q = head; cout << "\n------...
[1 reply] : (points 3, 6 and 7) At a g... (by ne555)
by alpha8
Stringstreams in File I/O
I really don't understand how to write this program using string streams. Can someone please guide me in the right direction? Your input file will include cen...
[1 reply] : 1) Get line from a file 2) Remove comments 3) create a string stream f... (by MiiNiPaa)
Validating user input with const. array
I have a programming assignment that I can't seem to figure out. The program requires us to prompt the user to enter a month, day and year in the driver applica...
[3 replies] Last: for(mm=0;mm<12;mm++) { for(i=0,j=0;j<3;j++) if(month ==conststring ... (by Vibgyor)
need help to integrate c code into c++ oriented object project
dears i need help urgently i need ti use many C functions which belong to a project into c++ oriented object project, i tried but a lot of errors appearin...
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
help in looping
help pls im newbie every time i type quit it will turn to infinite loop :( did i miss something ? question: Write a program that continuously accepts and compu...
[3 replies] Last: You need to read the number as a string. Z is a string, and x is an... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Hi. How can I represent these combinations? Do I use if else, switch ? I am totally lost...I want to do it a bit efficiently... ...
[1 reply] : I don't know what you want to do, you could represent these combinatio... (by Gamer2015)
how write a structure instance to file and then read it? (1,2)
i have these code for write an instance of a structure and then read it: struct user { string name; image foto; //my class image for images st...
[22 replies] Last: > now works fine. Undefined behaviour does appear to work fine someti... (by JLBorges)
Xcode / Visual Studio question
Hello all. I'm currently taking Data Structures and it is my first experience with C++. We have an assignment due Monday and our instructor told us we can use w...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks bud. (by WilliamTaylor)
September 2015 Pages: 123456... 21
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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