by AreejMKS
Non-member class functions not working
[4 replies] Last: you typically have a get and a set. cout >> thing.get(); cin >> tmp;... (by jonnin)
by julie2019
Analyzing the Code of ROOT, Scientific Data Analysis Framework
[no replies]
by mlanuri10
Converting InFix to PostFix with Linked Stacks
[1 reply] : 1. Please use the code formatting tags to format your code. It's not ... (by kbw)
by ven1212
cannot get program to end if user enters quit
[4 replies] Last: A couple of things: 1. PLEASE learn to use code tags, it makes readin... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by pinelopi
[4 replies] Last: am trying to run mu program but i got the following error message "te... (by jlb)
by kimtaehong
Is there better way to increment the count every 10, 100, 1000, ...?
[7 replies] Last: Use the standard solution: escape sequences. For instance, with the c... (by JLBorges)
by vaderboi
Can binary search fail if low = mid instead of mid + 1?
[2 replies] Last: has nothing with either one instead it depends on what are contents of... (by marhuum)
by kimtaehong
Want to create padded 2 dimensional vector in c++ style
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespa... (by lastchance)
by ven1212
if statement with multiple conditions
[2 replies] Last: // if (bornYear==1924||1936||1948||1960||1972||1984||1996||2008) sho... (by JLBorges)
by dmo
how to implement the playGame() function so it doesnt break the working code
[11 replies] Last: thanks homie but i figured it out. In the future, I'll be more specifi... (by dmo)
by sindhu05
Understanding this code of Binary Search Tree Implementation through Array
[3 replies] Last: Please don't go deleting your question after you've received an answer... (by MikeyBoy)
by julie2019
Election Security
[no replies]
by zhangxxw1
Use arrray and for/while loop to create a quiz game
[5 replies] Last: Fix 3 things first and then re-post in code tags. (1) Initialisation ... (by lastchance)
by cplusplus121
string parsing
[4 replies] Last: @Duthomas thank you for your help , those stl functions were very he... (by cplusplus121)
by JOHN2172000
[1 reply] : [quote=JOHN2172000]Its working well Well, that's a matter of opinion. ... (by lastchance)
by vaderboi
How to correctly initialize instance of a class that has a template?
[14 replies] Last: You are welcome. Template techniques are sometimes confusing, please b... (by Mitsuru)
Why getting a value from a function using auto&& seems to produce a temporary value
[5 replies] Last: An lvalue reference won't bind to an rvalue, which is a problem in thi... (by mbozzi)
by vaderboi
Do I need a destructor if I allocate memory in a local environment?
[2 replies] Last: Okay. So it would be better to use dynamic allocation if you want the ... (by vaderboi)
by marhuum
namespace {…} without any namespace name
[1 reply] : Unnamed namespace: (by JLBorges)
by pgiovanni
vector.insert() and operator overloading
[15 replies] Last: Here ya go, this one doesn't change the original route. Route Route:... (by pgiovanni)