General C++ Programming - October 2018 (Page 5)

Need help. Specific function encryption
Hi. I need to understand how can i encrypt specific function to protect my code. I know method that can crypt all executable file, but its very problematic met...
[5 replies] Last: It's really not clear what you want. Do you have sth. like this in you... (by Thomas1965)
by kmce
What happens when a function is called
I was learning about inline functions, and couldn't grasp the concept. Then I realised I couldn't understand it because I do not actually know what happens when...
[1 reply] : I won't go into that. Lets try analog: #include <iostream> int foo(... (by keskiverto)
by waruqi
xmake v2.2.2, We can also manage package dependencies for C/C++
After more than four months, xmake finally updated the new version v2.2.2 and launched the heavyweight feature: Natively Supported Remote Dependency Package Man...
[no replies]
assert help
void test() { string fphrase; apaxCompact("bob", fphrase); assert(fphrase == "bob"); apaxCompact("bobby", fphrase); assert(fphrase == "boby...
[3 replies] Last: The second assert fails because "bo b by" != "boby" (2 b != 1 b) which... (by coder777)
by beemo
Link List
Example program i know this is very similar to vectors but it has me confused. any explanations pls A. Insert new element in the queue ( FIFO ). B. Inser...
[1 reply] : It is perhaps confusing that the container is referred to as a list, w... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Ganado
Baked-in compiler to generate extra functions
Let's say I had a program, and I wanted it to compile more code, generated at run-time. (Yes, I know I could use a scripting language, but for purposes of knowl...
[6 replies] Last: I could also never get a scripting language (Python) to be close in s... (by helios)
Export Algorithm
Hi, I need a way to create an executable from another executable without doing any changes to the code. What I mean is, most game engines have 'export' or 'bui...
[5 replies] Last: I mean an executable that is created in the runtime by another execut... (by dhayden)
System.DllNotFoundException: "Unable to load DLL "E:\drvutil\Debug\drvutil.dll": The specified module could not be found.
Hi, I migrated the project from VS2005 to VS2017, And when i am running the application, Unmanaged (C++ dll function) call is not happening from the Managed ...
[no replies]
Function Calling Issue
Hi, I just started learning C++, and I have some questions regarding one part of my code.
[5 replies] Last: This looks very similar to your other thread: (by MikeyBoy)
by oahz
Is there a website like Hackerank that has multi-threading problems in C++
I am trying to learn all I can about multi threading in C++, but reading and watching videos only go so far. I need problems, but where can I find those problem...
[3 replies] Last: What about creating a producer-consumer type app? One thread could rea... (by Thomas1965)
I need help with my homework
ngineergirl99 (1) First of all hello everyone Im a first year Computer Engineer.Because of my English pres Exam I started university 3 weeks late and I missed ...
[1 reply] : Don't double post. It doesn't help us, and it won't help you. For futu... (by Ganado)
Homework Problem Need help. Emergent! Please
[2 replies] Last: 1: Please dont double post 2: Please use tags so its easier to read... (by stav)
run into a snag with writing to files
Hi guys, I am still messing around with binary files I am just creating a very simple phone book type of program(console) anyway my program gets stuck in an ...
[9 replies] Last: is the null terminating character included in the size? Short answer... (by Ganado)
using sentinel in a while loop
I don't know why i keep getting the value of sentinel converted to Fahrenheit every time i enter the value -1111. The program suppose to finish instead. #inc...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, it worked (by Algonology)
No errors but not Playing/Running HELP :( TURBO C++
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #i...
[1 reply] : } //Graph per iteration void graph2() { clrscr(); int gd=DETECT, gm;... (by darkiostream)
Need Help in Arrays
Write a program that demonstrates various gradebook utilities. The program should first create a two-dimensional array initialized with short values, where eac...
[1 reply] : Please try to write the code on your own first. When you get stuck, po... (by dhayden)
How to test the written functions in the liked lists
I have written the following code for the linked list and now I want to test whether my function work correctly or not. Can anyone please show how to test those...
[3 replies] Last: Some comments on your code from reading it: Lines 40, 50, and 64: you... (by dhayden)
Please help, i am suppose to Create a class called Palindrome. This class will have a single function called isPalidrome which will accept a SINGLE seven-digit ...
[1 reply] : Duplicate of: Please... (by MikeyBoy)
printing stars using Nested for loop
i want to print stars below using nested for loop. ** **** ****** i tried this code but, i didn't work. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int ...
[1 reply] : Obviously, that code will print 3 stars on every line. You see why th... (by MikeyBoy)
Using object in a another object
Hi guys! I have little problem with using one object inside other object. So, I'm writing code for STM32 and I decided to go with OOP(my First try). Now, I ...
[4 replies] Last: It Works. Thanks (by Pararera)
October 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 10
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