General C++ Programming - November 2018 (Page 9)

by a00
how can i make a windows without <windows.h>
im so confused about this header file. and i dont know how this is created. and i wonder if i can creat a windows use standard c++ library. this question may...
[10 replies] Last: thank you Ganado (by a00)
check for the pin number if it is matched or not
hi, i want to check if the number in file A and the number in file B is match or not? is it possible for me to do it ?? i mean is there any code to do that??
[1 reply] : The easiest way t... (by Browni3141)
by volang
Get filenames DESC/ASC
Hello guys! I have a folder filled with txt files(no content), and every file is named with a unique number. I want to get every filename starting with the h...
[16 replies] Last: I still don't understand why you don't just read the filenames into a ... (by dhayden)
by d0253
Template Class
This is my first time doing templates, I'm not sure whatI'm missing #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Use this file to implement the templated ...
[3 replies] Last: SumList<int> intList; This is an attempt to use the template constr... (by Repeater)
Regex infinite loop
hi guys, surprisingly this is the first time ever using regular expressions,I have heard about them but never delved into them up until this point. So I a...
[3 replies] Last: It loops because you don't ask for new input. (by kbw)
Locking a Window to another Window
Hey Guys/Gals! First off, I've been a stalker of this site for quite some time. I first learned of it around 2002 or 2003. I was young, and had an appetite f...
[no replies]
Cplusplus problem with formatting?
I'm trying to make it so my program lines up 3 things orderly such as 5-------Cakes for $-----59.00 2----Balloons for $-----62.00 (without the -) I ha...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> struct Item { int number; s... (by kbw)
Slingshot possible in VS?
For a competition I was hoping in visual studio it would be possible to make a slingshot like this: without box2d. I have search...
[8 replies] Last: Rascake that was for @saadattravel who wanted to make a website. In th... (by Satan)
C++: Vectors: why i get these error? - Functions definitions errors (1,2,3)
see these function: HANDLE mutex; void Main(vector<string> argumentlist, bool AsOpened); int main (int argc, char **argv) { vector<string> test; ...
[41 replies] Last: thank you so much for all (by Cambalinho)
Error in return type
I want to count the number of numbers that are both divisible by 3 and 11 and wrote the following functions but it is showing an error. #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: int variant1(int from, int to) // [from, to) { int cnt = 0; for (in... (by Konstantin2)
How to use shared memory to share an array between processes?
I am currently working on a program that is supposed to simulate a hotel reservation system. I have used fork to create the processes (parent is hotel, and ther...
[9 replies] Last: So I think I got my original question answered with the above code and... (by Metal488)
by tojo
I really need help with this project
Lab 2.11.1 Structure of time or time of structure Objectives Familiarize the student with: declaring structured data types; declaring structured variables; ...
[3 replies] Last: On your last thread, I clearly pointed out that, when asking for help,... (by MikeyBoy)
by Raj12
Exception Handling : try block
In C++ what is the use of 'try' block? (when we are clearly 'throw'ing the issue) I think in Java, exception can be find at any place in the 'try' block. oth...
[6 replies] Last: I don't know Java. Less is more seems to be the guideline for except... (by keskiverto)
by quete5
Hangman program not accepting input
The dreaded hangman program... I can't, for the life of me, figure out why my program won't accept any input from the user. I feel it's simply organization or ...
[4 replies] Last: I'm not allowed to use classes in my program. Are user-created func... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by tojo
Can someone make this as few lines of code possible and make it do the same thing? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> using namespa...
[18 replies] Last: > I'd like to get rid of word 2 but I don't see a way to do it. #inc... (by JLBorges)
Moving from game external hack to DLL!
Hi guys I currently learning making game hacks. I usually make external exe for my hacks. But now want to learn making internals dll. In external project th...
[1 reply] : The parameters are filled by the system when the DLL is loaded, thread... (by helios)
C++ array issues
I have the code working but it is not what the instructor is wanting. Here is what I am having to do: Write a C++ console application that asks the user to e...
[1 reply] : (by tpb)
by oahz
Communicating between threads in a game program
In my C++ game program, how do I write a function that accepts an input per turn from a bot running on a separate thread? The function should update the game st...
[1 reply] : A global variable named UpdateGameState... Change the value, force upd... (by SamuelAdams)
by tojo
Help a Brotha out
I really need help with this project. this is the scenario A matrix (two-dimensional array) is symmetric if: it is a square matrix (its sides are equal) ...
[7 replies] Last: A matrix (two-dimensional array) is symmetric if: 1 . it is a square... (by keskiverto)
Represent free functions in UML
I have few functions that a user can use to access a c++ library. They are not part of any class. In UML everything belongs to a class but i cant redesign as mo...
[1 reply] : A simple Google search found this: https://softwareengineering.stacke... (by MikeyBoy)
November 2018 Pages: 1... 789101112
  Archived months: [oct2018] [dec2018]

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