General C++ Programming - November 2016 (Page 7)

Boolean True False Help
I'm not sure what to do, kinda stuck so need your help. - I need to write a boolean function, Error, that takes letter and returns true if letter is not ...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> bool valid( char c ) { return c == 'C' || c == '... (by JLBorges)
pseudorandomly generated integer values
Design and implement a c++ program which, when executed by the computer, fills an array with pseudorandomly generated integer values between Min_Value and Max V...
[1 reply] : 1. void SumArray(int stuff , int& theSum) { theSum = 0; int ii; ... (by Unkana)
saving object having string in file
When i am running this program having eroor in reading file please help me out #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> #include<fstream> u...
[9 replies] Last: ok so all I did was make sure it would open the file. Is it reading t... (by SamuelAdams)
by fgz
is int assignment atomic in g++?
Hi, I need to wrote a data structure that is safe to write and read in a program with one writer and one reader threads. The reader can miss data but the dat...
[2 replies] Last: > I don't understand what exactly is going on here. Can someone shed s... (by JLBorges)
How can I concatenate const char and std::string?
outputBrowser->Text += *(std::string*)ApiClass::GetName(*(int*)(i)) + "\n";; outputBrowser->Text += " "; AnnounceChildren(*(int*)i); prefix = prefix->Rem...
[3 replies] Last: No, you need to #include <string> to use string operations in C++. If... (by Cubbi)
Range based loop for a set of a struct type
Using C++11 over here. Let's say I have a struct like this: struct Something{ string name; int code; }; And a set of Something type: set<Somethin...
[6 replies] Last: Woo, I completely forgot they can't be modified! Thanks!! (by anarelle)
numpy.where method in c++
Hi people, I want to implement the following python line in c++ c = numpy.where(a < b) The way I found to implement it is: // Example program #...
[no replies]
Recursive sort of linked list
Hi, I'm trying to implement a recursive sorting of a singly linked list, so here it goes> Algorithm: 1) find largest value in the list 2) put it on Head 3) ...
[no replies]
by Faz777
Algorithm Running time Book/Reference
Hello guys: I am studying C++ in college now. I am trying to comprehend the idea of Algorithm Running time (algorithm’s growth rate). For example, Big O,...
[no replies]
by Faz777
Heap Advantages and Disadvantages
Hello guys: I am trying to comprehend the idea of using Heap, let’s say min-heap or max-heap. So, my question is: what are advantages and disadvantages o...
[no replies]
by bodx
Please Help correct this
I need to run a program that enables a company to obtain information of number of registered drivers and users, number of app downloads and number of usage of a...
[1 reply] : Please don't post the same problem multiple times. http://www.cplusplu... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Kyle M
Heap and queue decision (theoretical)
I was going over some code and was wondering what everyone's idea was on composition versus inheritance. Say we have a class that is a Max heap that uses an arr...
[3 replies] Last: The Heap class is a functional class by itself (can be instantiated) w... (by Kyle M)
by ener
help me!
can u help me how to put music.mp3/tone in c???
[no replies]
Socket programming
I have a server program I want to add a simple feature to it. It's written in C. It is like a chat server. People can enter the chat, but I want to make it so ...
[2 replies] Last: I tried to post the code, but it was a bit too long and it did not wor... (by JoshuaMostafa)
I have some problems with a program that have to print data on a text file
I'm sorry if this question is too simple for you, but i don't have good programming skills and ROS knowledge. I have a ROS topic in which are published some num...
[3 replies] Last: UPDATE: I solved the problem! The program didn't enter in the second i... (by Marcofon)
Difference between container.begin() and begin(container)?
My question is pretty straightforward, yet I wasn't able to find an answer in google. Is there any difference between using container.begin() and begin(contain...
[1 reply] : begin(container) is more generic: it works with C-style arrays, with s... (by Cubbi)
by jetkey
How to send a fully automated email with attachment?
Hello, I need a function bool SendMail (string to_email, string attach_filepath, string body = "default) This function should be able to fully automate...
[3 replies] Last: I did something similar with POCO: .Net al... (by coder777)
Help fixing this program.
i got this program that read IP addresses from a file and produce a list of distinct addresses and a count of how many times each address appeared in the file. ...
[1 reply] : Why do you have to make your code that complex? (by Charotte)
How to convert my C source code to standard C source code
I wonder if there exists some software that inputs a C file and outputs a standard C-file. I would like to convert my C source code (automatically generated by ...
[no replies]
Need Help with Function; program not working
Hello, Could someone direct me to the build a better understanding of functions. I need to create a program that computes the area of different shapes. My fun...
[9 replies] Last: Not sure if you got the validation question answered but you could val... (by Kyle M)
November 2016 Pages: 1... 56789... 23
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