General C++ Programming - November 2016 (Page 4)

by ryard
urgent. please answer
I had a problem in understanding the algorithm of this program.Can you tell how this program is working ?? void fungsi(int a, int &b,int &c) { int y=1; a=...
[1 reply] : The first thing to notice is that function fungsi() receives three p... (by Chervil)
Make program into executable file
How do I make the compiler compile my program into an .exe file? My intention is: I am making a program for clubs, venues, festivals, that promote tickets on...
[2 replies] Last: Standard C++ does not have any GUI functions. You can use the Win32 AP... (by boost lexical cast)
Prime Numbers
Could anyone please help refer me to a site that uses a fairly complex method to determine prime numbers? i need a program that generates all the prime numbers...
[5 replies] Last: @ncampbell16 If you want to use use threads (which you do), then you ... (by boost lexical cast)
Important numbers by Monte Carlo Simulation
The code below (should) produce some decent approximations to certain mathematical numbers by Monte Carlo simulation (i.e. using random numbers). They are: PI l...
[8 replies] Last: cire - That's a good point. Certainly if you allowed theta to range ov... (by lastchance)
Cards against Humanity code.
I'm currently taking a CS100 course in my freshman year and I've been given a project which is to create the card game 'cards against humanity'. I have a few qu...
[1 reply] : readfile >> s; s is a string, so it will only read up until it hi... (by alex067)
by Joafie
I'm getting a segfault when I output the contents of a structure, but only when the iterator is 1 or higher
I'm new to pointers and still a bit confused by them, so any suggestions would be super helpful. Basically I'm trying to output my structure using a for loop. I...
[2 replies] Last: Wow. Thank you so much for helping me. I didn't copy the code, but I ... (by Joafie)
by cmisip
Template parameter with variadics and shared_ptr (1,2)
How come the commented out code does not work?. I am trying to come up with a way to pass multiple arguments to a function without using the (). The function s...
[28 replies] Last: > Due to the non trivial copy constructor and move constructor which a... (by JLBorges)
I need to change this program I wrote, from a struct format to a class
So basically I worked really hard on this code in my CS150 class and now I need to change it to a class, and I thought OK that's simple enough, but I cant seem ...
[no replies]
flagging data
Vector Program This file contains data from an instrument that measures sea surface temperature remotely. On occasion da...
[1 reply] : That's not hard to start, just open the file then input the values int... (by Golden Lizard)
c++ inheritance expected class name before token
Halo guys i have error message expected-class name before "{" token here is my code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #...
[2 replies] Last: thx you sir its work now (by mustain5)
puzzle search
So, I need to write a program that will find all of the words in a crossword, including reversed and both horizontal or vertical. (no diagonal words). I have to...
[no replies]
Project Euler Challenges
Hi my names john i am extremely new to coding but iv decided to try to complete 1 challenge a day from the site listed below. Iv chosen this set of problems bec...
[1 reply] : Please do not. You gain access to a forum on that site where you may ... (by cire)
Hi, anyone have the code of the game Tic Tac Toa ?
[3 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main(... (by bird1234)
how to delete a topic uploaded on
hello everyone: Can anyone tell me how to delete a topic which has been uploaded.
[1 reply] : You can probably check if the backspace character was pressed using an... (by Peter87)
Searching for a word in multiple txt files
Hey I really need help with a project im working on. I can search for a single word in a single txt file, but I cant search for multiple words in multiple txt f...
[3 replies] Last: Then push the files up a vector and loop through them. (by Golden Lizard)
What am I doing wrong here (aside from asking about C in a C++ forum)?
I'm trying to use the fgets function here; in the book I'm using, the original code example uses gets and I don't like that. But there's a problem. When I try...
[4 replies] Last: I want to take out the newline, especially if that'll clean up the out... (by DragonOsman)
by opengl
Multiple Or Single tcp connection?
I implemented a gateway program, which transfer message between clients and inner server my question is : between the gateway and the inner server, Only one t...
[3 replies] Last: thank you (by opengl)
TOO many Arguments to Function Call
I keep getting this error and i am not sure how to fix it.. :24: too many arguments to function `Car GetCar (ifstream &)' :48: at this point in file Below i...
[7 replies] Last: OP: instead of WriteCar(), GetCar() consider overloading the insertion... (by gunnerfunner)
Code::Blocks problem
I have the following error message in Code Blocks 16.01 when trying to compile and link a C program: ||=== Build: Debug in chap2ex1 (compiler: GNU GCC Compil...
[5 replies] Last: VS is a much better choice. Let us know about the VS problems if you t... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
C++ Problem - Simple Bank transaction system
Hi - I can't seem to make this program work, and I believe that the main issue I'm having is in reading the data from my input file. I would deeply appreciate a...
[1 reply] : I'd advise you to use the code tags to make the code more readable. Yo... (by Golden Lizard)
November 2016 Pages: 123456... 23
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