General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 16)

What is wrong with my program?
everything was going smooth then i don't know what happened the program stopped working here's the code in c++ im trying to write a student database, also im ha...
[2 replies] Last: Except for a couple of compiler errors I picked up using VS2015 this c... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
need help with this
Write a program that capitalizes every other word in an input sentence until punctuation is reached. After the punctuation, the rest of the sentence should be ...
[no replies]
by worros
Why isn't my loop program working?
I don't know why my program isn't working. When I compile the program the command prompt is literally blank. Not even the "Press any button to continue..." pops...
[6 replies] Last: i meant if you input a few numbers, what should the output be? *If it ... (by jasonwynn10)
Redefinition of base class methods error
When I try to run program8.cpp, I get an error that I'm redefining all of the base class' methods. Example: redefinition of 'Species::Species()' etc. etc....
[no replies]
plz help
2. A traffic light has only three different colors; Red, Yellow, and Green. Each color allows just one car's operation; Stop, Start, Move. Write a C++ program t...
[2 replies] Last: we don't do homework for people. we will help you but you will have to... (by jasonwynn10)
Stuck at trying to put the user inputs into the array and displaying the board after each input, also need help with finding a winner. /* Designing the Bo...
[5 replies] Last: DUDE USE CODE TAGS!!! (by jasonwynn10)
Best method to save data (Serialized Tree output to file)
Hello, I made a Game Asset class with a Manager and Game Assets. Basically a Game Asset class with a vector of children inside of more Game Assets. It works fi...
[1 reply] : 0 are flags and data not set. (by vivienneanthony)
Struct inside class
I have a class called Patients, and inside this class there is a structure called procedure. Now, one of my function calls purpose is to update the struct pr...
[1 reply] : The problem is that you just have a type created but not a variable. ... (by Thomas1965)
Arithmetic progression
If a sequence of numbers A1, A2, ... , AN form an arithmetic progression A, calculate sum of F(Ai), for L ≤ i ≤ R. F(X) is defined as: If X < 10 then F(X...
[10 replies] Last: The logic looks correct, however it is not reflected in your code. Wh... (by cire)
Lo Shu Magic Square
This is the code I have so far and I keep getting errors thrown. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void Sum(double); Sum(a); array[a...
[1 reply] : This is the code I have so far and I keep getting errors thrown. I... (by doug4)
by AcarX
Initializers in class
class RenderSystem{ public: RenderSystem(EntityManager & entity_manager) : entity_manager_handle(entity_manager) {} private: EntityManager & entity_man...
[2 replies] Last: EntityManager is just a container with a few helper functions. Somethi... (by AcarX)
i am a beginner in c++ nd i have a program in my book like this . plz tell how to make it !
write a program that inputs a five-digit integer, separates the integer into its digits and prints them seperated by three spaces each. [hint ; use integer divi...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main(... (by xusworld)
by hakak
Array between functions
Hi, Does anyone knows how to pass an array (one dimensional) between two or more functions? Please, what I want that program do doesn't matter at all. I don't n...
[1 reply] : Remember that the name of the array can be used as a pointer to the fi... (by MikeyBoy)
How to connect 2 array using array of pointer e.g we have 3 mails with static price and we have rooms with it number I created 2 array first one (int) arra...
[5 replies] Last: ARE THERE ANY ONE HEAR? Keep in mind that everyone here is a volunt... (by dhayden)
by kalki
How to use switch statement with char array !
switch(buffer) { case 0D: cout<<"hi"<<endl; break; case 0C: cout<<"Hey"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"Bye"<<endl; Assume buffer="0D", How to impleme...
[4 replies] Last: Okay Thank You (by kalki)
namespace & static_cast
enum class StudentNames { KENNY, // 0 KYLE, // 1 STAN, // 2 BUTTERS, // 3 CARTMAN, // 4 WENDY, // 5 MAX_STUDENTS // 6 }; int mai...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks (by kalki)
multiple .cpp files
I post this at the risk of asking a question too wide in scope, but here goes. I want to know in what circumstances would someone want to have more than one .cp...
[2 replies] Last: There was a fair bit of diversity in that link, but I might attempt to... (by TheIdeasMan)
Need some lessons or tips.
I'm sort of new to C++ coding and I'd like to get good at it as it's a good language to start off on. I've been watching TheNewBoston's YouTube tutorials and th...
[1 reply] : is a great start https://www3.... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Edgy
c2011 class type redefinition
I posted this in the beginner forums and nobody had an answer. I am getting an 'horse' class type redefintion error on line 10 of horse.cpp Not sure how its...
[1 reply] : You've defined the Horse class in both files. I would say by the look ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
having some trouble for 2 days now with external files
i have been stuck for 2 days.. I have tried but still no luck. its a project.. its on writing a C++ program that opens the external file, “sales.txt” and re...
[1 reply] : please use code tags. It helps read the code. #include <iostream> #in... (by jasonwynn10)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 26
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