by jasonlame
How to store cell values of date and numbers in local variables using xlnt library for C++
[1 reply] : does this work? int x = stoi(cell.to_str()); or double d = stod(cell... (by jonnin)
by JamieAl
OpenMp: Parallel code takes longer to run than serial code?
[8 replies] Last: nah that 1 thread run isnt random. its likely it cached something afte... (by jonnin)
by uppercaseguy
sdl program not restarting
[1 reply] : debug it, step through what all your variables are in the second run. ... (by jonnin)
by zerophase
Is there a means of redefining free functions?
[1 reply] : yes, you seek preprocessor, look up an example of #ifdef -- it forms a... (by jonnin)
by Mitsuru
Failure of boost::geometry::within for polygons
[2 replies] Last: @Mitsuru, when you say "failed", what do you mean? Can you give examp... (by lastchance)
by hentaimean
Dynamic programming. Recursion. Loops.
[13 replies] Last: Oh, thanks a lot!) (by hentaimean)
by dkaip
Remove duplicates of vector problem
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. Finally code. std::vector<channel> channels; te... (by dkaip)
by Laiter
Connectionless p2p library
[2 replies] Last: In that same vein try "socket programming C++" searches if you haven't... (by againtry)
In C++20, <chrono> has been extended by the Howard Hinant date library but some things are missing
[3 replies] Last: C++ version support for the major compilers is at https://en.cpprefere... (by seeplus)
by BoomerDev
Is there/What is the C++ version of the strlen function?
[2 replies] Last: some decades ago, c++ stuffed all the standard stuff into namespaces a... (by jonnin)
by coff33Cup
Vector of objects
[4 replies] Last: Hello coff33Cup, keskiverto has a very good answer. I take a more ... (by Handy Andy)
by seeplus
VS2019 16.10 constexpr
[5 replies] Last: OK. So for compile time definition, you can use constexpr with std:arr... (by seeplus)
by JamieAl
FFTW plans using OpenMP
[3 replies] Last: This declaration has no storage class or type specifier at line 8 h... (by againtry)
by Zaneemma2021
Programming and data structure
[1 reply] : I did not have time to read your code closely. However, based on a qu... (by doug4)
by mist3
Storing multi-character character in an array
[2 replies] Last: instead of std::string s; say std::u16string s; char16_t instead o... (by jonnin)
by bartuaslan
Implementation of Sorting Algorithms
[10 replies] Last: ^^ this is more important than it seems at first. When I started, I ... (by jonnin)
by RicoJ
Why do I have to assign a {} expression to an object?
[3 replies] Last: And in case you're specifically after a legalese type of answer, the s... (by Ganado)
by axl
Extract certain integers from string and add them.
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int bigSum(const std::string&... (by seeplus)
by theguyy
SDL music and event que doesnt sync properly
[3 replies] Last: Please don't update code in previous posts. Now @salem c's response m... (by doug4)
by adam2016
Simulating Nodes on a network.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks salem :) Never thought about the above points (by adam2016)