by theingar
Accessing memory error
[4 replies] Last: getFriendlyPose() is being called in an infinite loop. Is it allocatin... (by dutch)
by adnan345
i have two text files which contain integer type data i want to perform bubble sort on them.
[1 reply] : You should edit your post to add code tags so that your code retains i... (by dutch)
Help with prime number code C++ (1,2) |
[28 replies] Last: I'm not the op. I just been playing around with it. @dhayden.... thi... (by markyrocks)
by theingar
Storing data in Vector of Struct
[7 replies] Last: As far as I can tell, that will compile, but is that really what you w... (by helios)
by TheToaster
[1 reply] : (by dutch)
by rxpantsu
No Output, where is the problem?
[1 reply] : Some points. 1. Writing 120 lines all in a single function isn't good... (by salem c)
by frek
C++ move semantics
[3 replies] Last: I also read about return value optimization on the Web. But I think w... (by TheToaster)
A lambda with a dangling reference...
[3 replies] Last: it captures by reference because it has [&] in the lambda.. (by JUANDENT)
by volang
IOCP Threadpool
[no replies]
by AlessandroTZ
Initialize pair constructor
[10 replies] Last: Okay i get it, i'll try to solve it thank you! (by AlessandroTZ)
by aceadams
Infinite Loop?
[5 replies] Last: @doug4 The issue seems to be that (width-gen.size())/2; can be negativ... (by aceadams)
by summerli
How do I stop getting it to output 1
[2 replies] Last: Why don't you break the tasks in 2 parts. One function that checks if ... (by Thomas1965)
by Vycues
Mouse moving a picture box in C++ GUI
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. it works now. (by Vycues)
Huffman |
[8 replies] Last: There are a number of problems. freq_dist_from_file() is recursive, b... (by kbw)
how to get the current executable directory?
[6 replies] Last: GetModuleFileName works!! Thanks!! Juan (by JUANDENT)
by AlessandroTZ
Unique_ptr with templates
[2 replies] Last: I'm so sorry, i've just noticed an error in the rest of my program tha... (by AlessandroTZ)
by cosinus
How to change my code?
[7 replies] Last: @helios, Thanks for the info. Now I know. (by doug4)
by frek
Temp objects
[6 replies] Last: Depends on your system, but here's one set of answers: https://docs.mi... (by Repeater)
by volang
new unique char inside each object
[5 replies] Last: You're copying an object into another, where the class of both contain... (by helios)
by tigerking
Help with implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm
[5 replies] Last: I managed to get it implemented by going back after my vertexes are cr... (by tigerking)