General C++ Programming - May 2017 (Page 6)

Function overloading organisation and warnings.
In my game engine I have functions which require two int values. Let's use setPosition for demonstration. setPosition(int x, int y); When I call it like thi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by Putarda)
by Enex
Do While loop with enum data type
Just learned about the enum data type and I'm trying to use it within one of my class exercises. I'm trying to set up a do while loop using an enum variable as ...
[8 replies] Last: So I made the change back to roughly what my previous code was and eve... (by Enex)
On the way to Scrabble Solver
Hello all, I've been trying to make a nice scrabble solver code,but indeed it ain't going as smooth as i expected. There is a problem in the word_worth functio...
[1 reply] : for that function i think you are going out of bound with the array, t... (by KANATA1)
How to encode a text with Affine Cipher Using char array alphabet?
My assignment is basicly encoding a user entered text with affine cipher. Affine cipher basicly takes a and b keywords and a text for encoding then encodes i...
[no replies]
by Kalcor
Binary search
[4 replies] Last: Because it'll increment low by mid+1 so eventually it'll be bigger tha... (by Kalcor)
by Kalcor
Understanding this
DZY loves chessboard, and he enjoys playing with it. He has a chessboard of n rows and m columns. Some cells of the chessboard are bad, others are good. For...
[7 replies] Last: It's not like I didnt try lol @ne555 . I did try but the only diff bet... (by Kalcor)
Getting yesterday's date as a string
So I was wondering if someone could give me a point in the right direction here. I have a program I'm looking to build that will take a string from a text file ...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, The previous post hadn't been answered for a few hours so I tho... (by Miles Hikari)
Getting unknown number of integers from .txt file
Hello, I need help with getting a set of values from a .txt file into a C++ code, where I am supposed to categorize them into x axis values and y axis values, t...
[1 reply] : Have you read about std::vector ? It is dynamic. It can grow as neede... (by keskiverto)
I'm trying to write a program for udp server in C# and I keep getting the error that says my index was outside the boundary of the array. I have a feeling that ...
[1 reply] : If you don't pass any arguments args.Length is 0. You should check arg... (by Thomas1965)
by Faggio
curiosity abuot Akinator
Hi everybody. I hope this is the appropriate section. I have a curiosity: i would like to know how akinator works. I read that has been programmed in C++ (is i...
[1 reply] : If it's written in c++ and it's not open source then you're out of luc... (by zoran404)
cURL trouble with getting post response
I'm trying to create a basic login program that's connected to server but when I try to save the response from a post request to a variable I wont get a respons...
[no replies]
UNI task.
Hello! I've been given the following task : to design a class Robot that inherits class Machine, which has some fields (hands,legs,head), given an ability to ...
[2 replies] Last: to design a class Robot You're not meant to design a robot. You're ... (by Moschops)
by Kalcor
Rectangular Prallelipiped
You were given areas of three faces of a rectangular parallelepiped. Your task was to find the sum of lengths of it's sides. Let a, b and c be the lengths of ...
[1 reply] : "Rectangular parallelepiped" might as well just be called "cuboid" - t... (by lastchance)
How to make a HTTP request
Hello everybody. I have written a small program that does some string manipulation, but now I would like to enable HTTP requests in the same program. What are t...
[1 reply] : So many libraries. libcurl is popular. Here's a thread with some exam... (by Moschops)
iterator_category type not defined by vector<int>
I have implemented the iterator_traits struct as follows: template<typename Iter> struct Estd::iterator_traits { using value_type = typename Iter::v...
[1 reply] : // Estd::iterator_traits<vector<int>>::value_type i {5}; Estd::iterat... (by JLBorges)
Problem #37 Project Euler Improvements
So I made a basic implementation for Problem #37 for Project Euler, but I absolutely hate my solution. The reason for this is because of all the header files I ...
[10 replies] Last: $ time ./a.out The sum of all truncatable prime numbers from right to... (by ne555)
Electronic vote
[1 reply] : This is not a homework site. We won't do your homework for you. Howeve... (by AbstractionAnon)
Different Answers. Same Switch
So what i am using is a program called gamemaker studio. The language is very C++ oriented so excuse the slightly different syntax, but if you answer in C++ I w...
[1 reply] : Your problem boils down to having n unique random numbers in the range... (by gunnerfunner)
Can't get Boost Dependency Analyzer 1.1 to work
Hi, Learning about dependencies between Boost libraries is certainly important. I have searched for tools and found one written by YT Kanalseite called Boost D...
[2 replies] Last: yes, its all or nothing... much like trying to get just one thing out ... (by jonnin)
by bst
c++ arrays problem
Write a program that reads from the file HW4_Q1data.txt 30 integers in the range 0 – 200. The program then determines the number of integers in each of the ...
[5 replies] Last: Please use the * code* tags when posting code. the tags should be lowe... (by KANATA1)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 45678... 14
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