by nawas
Ofstream and Ifstream conflicts
[1 reply] : you need to provide the input files that you use, ¿how do you expect ... (by ne555)
by ebto
Help with calendar program
[1 reply] : Please don't double post. It wastes everybody's time. http://www.cplu... (by AbstractionAnon)
by technologist
what auto concealed
[5 replies] Last: Awesome, thx. (by technologist)
Alternative for GetValue |
[4 replies] Last: Hi, A few things: ignoreNextChar could be of type bool , then li... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Recluse
Error with HEAP corruption
[3 replies] Last: On line 10, you an making an array of size enemyCount . gameObjArray... (by Moschops)
by HuagJie
Question about STL (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Hi JLBorges, Thanks a lot. Of course I want to modify the argument an... (by HuagJie)
by dark card
Help.. Class and variables
[1 reply] : because they just give values zero when out of class What does that m... (by coder777)
by Loke
Recognizing +, -, *, / from input (cin) ??
[2 replies] Last: @Necip Wow really didn't expect such a thing to be possible, this jus... (by Loke)
by thomasb
How to start with game programming in C++?
[7 replies] Last: Hey Thomasb, Everyone has their own views on where and how to start g... (by DTM256)
by Andrewcen16
Help with vector search
[1 reply] : isNum is always "false" -> your code is entrappt in an eternal loop! ... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by SidV
Sructs and Classes
[13 replies] Last: Thank you! I am still quite new to this language so there are many thi... (by SidV)
by JSFicklin
Help with register program
[no replies]
by Handy Andy
Problem With Sort
[3 replies] Last: _strcmpi is a non-standard function and will only work on particular... (by Moschops)
Average Calculation |
[4 replies] Last: I used getline, and it works perfectly, I dont need help on this anymo... (by ProgrammerXYZ)
by BrowserUk
Inserting a value into a vector at a designated position
[5 replies] Last: Why did you look at the documentation for vector.begin() instead of ve... (by jlb)
by solo9
While and for loop
[7 replies] Last: PM your skype name. I can help you with this. (by Irhcsa)
Roman Numeral Calculator Program |
[no replies]
by Wilburness
Help, please...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all this information was really helpful I was really stuck a... (by Wilburness)
by Cambalinho
how use resource files? (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: seems that an ico file can have several ico images... so we must use R... (by Cambalinho)
by aliyesami
whats the role of "#" in gcc
[1 reply] : See: (by JLBorges)