General C++ Programming - March 2015 (Page 7)

by abc456
How to fix pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed error?
I'm getting a lot of this error in the following code node *ptr = new node; ptr->value = x; node *toinsert; if (!head) { head = ptr; head->prenode =...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by abc456)
readBytes function
I cant understand why this wont work. I'm thinking it cant find the file"text.txt". I keep getting the error message. #include <iostream> #in...
[1 reply] : First of all, your program has "test.txt" not "text.txt" In case that... (by tipaye)
semaphore between 2 cores
Hi guys, I got two different cores (different processors) which both access a certain global variable (gVar) in a shared memory. I'd like to implement (by...
[9 replies] Last: Note that we discuss here 2 cores, not 2 processes on the same core. ... (by MiiNiPaa)
C++ IDE with a compiler and C++14 support?
I'm using Code::Blocks, but there doesn't seem to be any C++14 support in it - only up to C++11. So I was wondering if anyone knew of a good IDE that has C++14...
[7 replies] Last: There's no compiler flag in there that you can enable to allow C++14 ... (by MiiNiPaa)
strcpy program not working
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char xstrcpy(char *,char *); int main () { char source ="You"; char target ="Hello"; xstrcpy(target,source); pr...
[2 replies] Last: Bloody hell of course! Thanks mate (by NavpreetSingh)
What is application domain?
Hi, im reading B. Stroustrup's "Programming principles and practice using C++" and im trying to do all the exercises and also review questions. Now i just cant ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help man, really appreciate it :) (by etrusks)
Code for finding prime numbers ( need help , code not working )
Hi all , im new to programming , i have attempted a code to find the number of prime numbers uptil a user entered number and display them. The code isnt functi...
[7 replies] Last: Well, I allready did it once so I'll just share #include <iostream>... (by Gamer2015)
Cleaning up this code... options to make it more streamlined
I just finished up my forth project in my C++ class which focused on reading files, writing to them and correcting the errors in the sentence. The code works, a...
[1 reply] : I'll just give some advice about main function() and return to other l... (by MiiNiPaa)
Seg fault on overloaded << operator
I'm getting a segmentation fault on overloaded '<<' operator, however, if I run my program with a command line option (reading a file specified on the command l...
[8 replies] Last: (I dynamically allocated it, it should be good to go now). I still... (by Disch)
Need help with code
Hello, I would be really happy if someone could help me. I have code which finds words who has second letter 'o'. So, I don't know how every three words join i...
[4 replies] Last: Don't do repeat topics! (by jasonwynn10)
Code which join words
Hi, I need to write code which input txt file join three words then makes an extra space and again join three words. I written code how to input file. I just d...
[3 replies] Last: Don't do repeat topics!!! (by jasonwynn10)
Guessing Game
Somehow I still haven't been able to get this code to do what I want it to do. Seems like I cant get the loops right. It debugs but I'm trying to make it in suc...
[6 replies] Last: yea dude, what you can do is click the edit icon on the bottom corner ... (by jasonwynn10)
Plz Help! ...
[2 replies] Last: I recommend starting with this: #include iostream using namespace s... (by jasonwynn10)
by pww71
The core of the core of the big data solutions -- Map
Title: The core of the core of the big data solutions -- Map Author: pengwenwei Email: Language: c++ Platform: Windows, l...
[no replies]
meaning of some functions ?? plzz
It's not a long time that i'm started to learn C++ language and i need some help .. I want to know the meaning of int, void, double, float and char . plzz Some ...
[2 replies] Last: Thnx a loooooot about thoses informations .. your anser was really hel... (by khaldoune)
calloc error: Not enough space
The program goes wrong when it runs for a about one day,the perror shows the message"Not enough space",but there are enough space for the program. I have no ide...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Very much, I will try to use the memory pool to avoid the error... (by zhaolewen)
How to make it efficient :
I have an object that may have N components of different types. Each type of component has its unique index from 0 to N-1. Component of each type must be able t...
[5 replies] Last: What if I do it like this class Component { //abstract Co... (by Krogoth)
by Aceix
to use multi threading in one's programme, is it necessary that the target computer's processor should have at least two threads and why? Aceix.
[3 replies] Last: Still, while your hard drive may be busy reading data (operation reque... (by S G H)
Class segmentation fault
Hello lads, I get a segmentation fault when I put "you" as input. Sorry for the messy code. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include ...
[no replies]
Getting Strange Output Results Depending on std::endl;
Hey All, If I read a .vcf file, line by line, and output that line after each read without a std::endl, the output is a mash of letters and numbers that mean...
[3 replies] Last: Is there anything I could try to fix it or to debug exactly what's go... (by Disch)
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