General C++ Programming - March 2015 (Page 24)

by pav1
math in file
You will be given a *.txt file, similar to OpeInFile.txt in Doc. Sharing. The file has only one calculation per line. Notice that number of lines in the file is...
[1 reply] : Looks like you got homework to do, goodluck :) (by TarikNeaj)
i need help with my program please
Hi, I need help please with this program 1. Write following program: Ask the user to choose a number between 0 and 100 in his mind (he should not enter the nu...
[2 replies] Last: @ OP: If you're looking to hire someone to code for you then you'll wa... (by Computergeek01)
Arrest people for using "new" and "delete" (1,2)
Some people at this forum say that programmers must never use "new" and "delete". I think they say something like "never drive car by yourself". Sure, newbies...
[26 replies] Last: [quote=Avilius]nor with a care for memory allocations, (looking at you... (by Cubbi)
How to create a new character encoding in C++?
Hello all. I have a project in which I am using Tesseract-Ocr. I have huge number of character which ASCII doesn't support. I don't know whether Unicode support...
[no replies]
Countdown Timer
Hi! Anyone here can help me to make a countdown timer? I have the idea to use x-- as decrement but it don't have the delay.
[3 replies] Last: @ryanjoshiii Not bad. You may want a newline in there somewhere so th... (by whitenite1)
idk what to do with these error messages.. ;/
// Michael Molitor, Program1, 3/4/15 // //This program will be able to have the user choose from the menu and decide which equation to perform.// #include <...
[3 replies] Last: Working for me as well. Which compiler are you using? (by Callum5042)
by Teoras
error message when trying to build classes
Hi everyone, I am a newbie at programming and tired of trying to compile on visual studio i looked for an alternative a couple of days ago and code::blocks seem...
[14 replies] Last: sincerely don't know buddy, but well is alright now ;) thanks again fo... (by Teoras)
OPCODE Collision Detection Library, example code
Hello, I would like to use the collision detection routine from the OPCODE library, newest version 1.3 There exist documentations, e.g. Opcode.pdf and Opcod...
[no replies]
arrays in classes
I have to build a class that stores an array of fractions (a previous class that I built). I already built my fraction class and this class i am building is cal...
[1 reply] : It keeps throwing me compiler errors Which errors? (by MiiNiPaa)
Im stuck in administrator mode
I'm sort of new to C++ and just today I found that I'm running in administrator mode out of nowhere. It won't let me debug my source code and I'm really confuse...
[1 reply] : sounds like a problem...;/ (by oneoldcoot)
New C++ Practice examples video tutorials
Hello guys, I just started to post C++ practice video tutorials on Please take you...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, here is the correct link: (by stemharmony)
Doubly linked list SWAP HELP!
I am having an issue calling my swap function. My swap function looks as such: void Double :: swap(Dnode *x, Dnode *y) An error is occurred where it says ...
[14 replies] Last: Re test your Toswap function. You assign both Switch and ToSwitch = fa... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Matrix class - overloading addition operator
[12 replies] Last: Sorry, I misread your code - ignore most of what I've said. You can't... (by LB)
While loop is pulling in extraneous number
I am making a space combat game for a class project, but when the combat loop starts it will sometimes put out a very small decimal along the lines of something...
[2 replies] Last: I took your advice and replaced health as an interger instead of a flo... (by sumig25)
Template functions for all types except one?
Hey there, I wanted to overload operator+ for std::string and started like this template <typename T> std::string operator+(const std::string& rStr, const...
[2 replies] Last: Thats a very good start, thank you! So, I have used is_arithmetic ins... (by Gamer2015)
Min/Max function
A void function that takes 5 int parameters. The first three are call-by-value parameters the second two are call-by reference parameters. This function wil...
[1 reply] : This is how I get smallest number and largest int small = 10000;//(bi... (by jae0014)
hi there.. can anyone help me to wite a program that have the function of add, subtract, multiply and divide using the following funtions add(). Subtract(), mul...
[1 reply] : Addition: http://e... (by LB)
Writing a code with for loops, help!
I need to write a code that will satisfy the sequence (1/n) + (2/n-1) + ... + (n/1) with an inputted value for n I know I have to use for loops somehow, I juts...
[1 reply] : What have you written so far? Hint: a traditional for-loop would work... (by LB)
by juju1
Problem of compilation with cmake
Hello, I am trying to install a C++ program called mawiilab_evaluate, which uses a library called admd which I have already installed. In order to compile it I...
[no replies]
PLEASE SOMEONE SHOULD HELP TO DEBUG THIS CODE NEED HELP!!!! #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; float total_ma...
[no replies]
March 2015 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 28
  Archived months: [feb2015] [apr2015]

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