General C++ Programming - March 2015 (Page 25)

by Gyiove
messing with bits and 8bit variables
Hello everyone! I tried to mess with the bit operators, yet couldn't figure this one out. I have char a and its bits and char b . What i want to do is...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for everything! Its working now. The problem was that if i cha... (by Gyiove)
Read into an array of a class from a text file
I need to read into an array of Employees from a text file. Here is my header file (which I know is correct) class Employee { public: Employee(); ...
[no replies]
Why the ambiguity?
#include <fstream> class Item { public: virtual Item* createFrom (std::istream&) const = 0; }; template <typename Derived> class ItemCRTP : virtual...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, for this sample. I need covariant return types in my actual prog... (by prestokeys)
What is wrong with this Class? LNK 2019 Error
Here are the 3 files my class program is divided into. File 1 Class Date Specifications #ifndef DATE_H #define DATE_H class Date { private: static int year...
[5 replies] Last: Just to reiterate and expand on what's already been said: 1) The des... (by MikeyBoy)
by Ulutay
Hello, I would love a recommendation to a book and a graphic engin to start learning and desigm games, mini games, using c++
[5 replies] Last: Aha you guys are awesome, thanks alot for the time. That was really he... (by Ulutay)
Design and write a C++ program that reads 3 integer values from the keyboard
(be sure to print a prompt message for the user). Then calculate and print on the screen the sum, average, and product of the three numbers. Display identifying...
[4 replies] Last: your response wont compile :( (by lensalexis)
a C ++ version of the example
someone shows me a C ++ version of the example please // class hellojava { public static void main(String t ) { ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by ACHRAF92)
Modulus function
How do I write a function that takes 4 integer parameters? the first two of which are user-supplied inputs (call-by-value parameters) and the last two of whi...
[1 reply] : void Modulus_function(int num1, int num2, int &quotient, int &remaind... (by coder777)
program out puts only 1 with numbers
** This is the file *** I need to generate the totals sales for the first seven weeks of a movie (FILE) 6 American-Sniper 1042 829 132347 81319 41008 29598...
[1 reply] : The type of movie needs to be string not int... (by coder777)
Rules for Access to data members or to member functions of a class?
hi, Given the following statement by the Client class, class Client { private: float solde; // private data … public: string name; // public dat...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much :) (by ACHRAF92)
by caolen
How do I call a class method in a dll from C++?
I used the ATL Project template in Visual Studio 2013 to create a “PT2_B.dll.” The “DoubleValueString” method I’m trying to call is part of the “C...
[1 reply] : #define MY_API __declspec(DllExport) class MY_API MyClass { /* ... (by codekiddy)
Doubly linked list destructor help!
My destructor for my doubly linked list is not working as intended, and I have absolutely no idea why. My guess is because I'm failing to delink it first befor...
[6 replies] Last: Isn't delete head and tail deleting two separate pointers of the same... (by cire)
by bardok
Writing a basic program (lab assignment)
Hey guys! I am new to C++ and I have an assignment coming up that I can't seem to nail down. Actually, I am very lost and would like some help. We were told ...
[no replies]
Please help:: Error message expected initializer before ‘double’
I Keep getting this error message, and i'm sure it has something to do with how I am attempting to call my functions. I have been at this for hours, what am I d...
[1 reply] : please use code tags. look at line one. thats where the error is. (by Little Bobby Tables)
finding values in array
how could I find values in array, I am very confused because I am new to this subject.pls help me:(
[3 replies] Last: ok,thank you for the links (by seirin1234)
PLEASE HELP Program reading from a txt file
I need help. I wrote this code. It takes information from a txt file and calculates pay, tax, and net pay. However, I cant get it to read more than one line. It...
[11 replies] Last: * (by morgancassiday)
Singly linked list, remove last node
I keep running into a program breaking error when my compiler reaches the function which calls removeEnd(); can someone help me fix this please void...
[no replies]
Empty stringstream/string
Hi guys I'm facing some Trouble again... I want to print the score to the Screen, but it wont work because the max. texturesize is overstepped. The score textu...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks :D (by HalfNOoB)
create the "merge" function?
hi, I tried to make a generic implementation in C ++, but I don't know how to create the "merge" function. someone to show me the program of the "Merge" functio...
[7 replies] Last: that's nice Thank you my friends (by ACHRAF92)
Data Files
Hi guys! I would appreciate any help I can get. I'm supposed to do the following: Create a data file of the following integers: 10 20 30 17 21 18 30 20 49...
[1 reply] : You can start off by googling how data files work. You can start off b... (by TarikNeaj)
March 2015 Pages: 1... 232425262728
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